Tier-2 Intervention Professional Development May 21, 2009 Information in this presentation is available for noncommercial use only. You may use the information provided that: (a) you do not modify or delete any content; (b) you do not redistribute content without identifying the website and author as the source of content; (c) the use of content does not suggest that our ERF project promotes or endorses any third party causes, ideas, Web sites, products or services. For additional permission requests, please contact Dr. Mary Abbott,
Tier-2 Goal To provide additional intensity of instruction to bring children’s academic level within benchmark range.
Two Tier-2 Components Three major components to consider. Methodology for increasing intensity of instruction Skill content of what will be delivered Intervention to be used. Teachers will chose intervention and delivery methodology.
Skills Sets Letter knowledge Phonological awareness Oral language
Interventions Interventions are provided in each area. For a few classes this year we focused on letter knowledge. Next school year, all classrooms will focus on letter knowledge at the beginning of the school year. We will expand to other areas as the year proceeds.
Three Methods for Increasing Intensity of Instruction Double-dose Repeat of an earlier lesson Grouping size Small group of 3 or fewer or individualized Narrowing the skill set Example, teaching pre-skills
Letter Knowledge Intervention: Pocket Intervention Card (PIC) One child at a time. 15 to 30 second intervention times a day. Very small skill focus. MonTueWedThurFri XXXX XXXX M