CP Multimedia Internet Communication1 CP Multimedia Computer Communication Lecture 1 - Communication
CP Multimedia Internet Communication2 Module teaching team n Module leader – Prof. Andy Sloane n Room MI114 - Extn n n Tutorial group lists will appear on the module web page in Week 2
CP Multimedia Internet Communication3 Outline Summary All details are available on the module Website Recommended course text Internet Multimedia by Andy Sloane Palgrave, 2005 ISBN
CP Multimedia Internet Communication4 Weekly schedule 3-hour block 1.5 hour Lecture 1.5 hour Workshop (weeks 1-6) or Tutorial (Weeks 7-12) See schedule on web page for details Attend the tutorial/workshop group assigned on the web page Make sure you know your assigned marker’s !
CP Multimedia Internet Communication5 Outline summary 1 Introduction to communication 2 Computer communication 1 3 Computer communication 2 4 The Internet and WWW 5 Information structure and encoding 6 Mixed information types
CP Multimedia Internet Communication6 Outline summary 7 HTML and hypertext 8 PC and media exchange standards 9 Media communication standards 10 Business communication 11 Case study 1 - Intranet 12 Course summary (revision) lecture
CP Multimedia Internet Communication7 Principles of Communication Communication is The transfer of information The transfer needs A channel Multimedia communication uses Multiple channels
CP Multimedia Internet Communication8 Channels Examples Sound travels through the air Air is the medium used there are many channels Light and radio waves are electromagnetic radiation the medium is the “ether” Different frequencies give different channels
CP Multimedia Internet Communication9 Choice of channel Availability of channel Availability of equipment Ability to use channel Ability to understand message Economic considerations Time problems
CP Multimedia Internet Communication10 Matching the channel to the information Example Tennis match Score only - use text or speech More precise information - pictures can illustrate (e.g. racket shape, players, logos etc) Full transmission of all available information would need video multiple channels if including many camera angles
CP Multimedia Internet Communication11 Media type and use More complex information leads to bigger data objects Communication of these requires bigger channels i.e. more “capacity” or “bandwidth”
CP Multimedia Internet Communication12 Information Data is the “raw” quantity Information is data with “meaning” and “structure” Examples DataInformation Telephone number of a friend 29WS157QQUK House number and postcode Product code of a compact disc
CP Multimedia Internet Communication13 Information structure Data uses symbols Examples NameSymbols Binary numbers 0 1 Denary numbers English alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Symbols can be different but represent similar information E.g Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic or English alphabets all represent sounds
CP Multimedia Internet Communication14 Digital Information In computer communication a message might be This could be Order Part NumberQuantity
CP Multimedia Internet Communication15 Communication of Information Communication may involve errors In digital communication where binary is used errors cause 1 to become 0 and 0 to become 1 To detect or correct errors requires extra information (redundancy)
CP Multimedia Internet Communication16 Models of communication Models are used to describe the process of communication In ideal conditions
CP Multimedia Internet Communication17 Models Information transfer may be slightly faulty
CP Multimedia Internet Communication18 Models Noise affects information transfer
CP Multimedia Internet Communication19 Models Data encoding is used to transfer information Process model
CP Multimedia Internet Communication20 Models Mostly multiple levels are used
CP Multimedia Internet Communication21 Models Multimedia uses multiple encodings
CP Multimedia Internet Communication22 Example Levels of encoding An electronic mail message High level Language of the communication Written symbols used Computer representation of the symbols (ASCII) Electronic binary signals (0 and 1) Low level
CP Multimedia Internet Communication23 Principles of communication Standards Protocols Error control, redundancy and accuracy Channel Context Coding
CP Multimedia Internet Communication24 Standards These can define a communication in some or all areas Example In an message The text will be in a standard language Message format will be standard Needs standard protocols for transfer
CP Multimedia Internet Communication25 Digital communication All information used by computers is digitally encoded In multimedia these are Video AudioSpeech Sound and music ImageGraphics Picture TextFree format Structured information
CP Multimedia Internet Communication26 Summary Communication is about information Information takes many forms Multimedia communication is about encoding different forms of information on one or more channels with links between the different information types