Tim Lockney
What is p57? Alias: CDKN1C 316 Amino Acids long Localized in the Nucleus Important during development Localized to Chromosome 11p15.5 Matsuoka et al.
What type of protein is p57? CDK-inhibitor p21 Family ? ? Cip/Kip = CDK interacting protein/Kinase inhibitory protein content/photos/Face_of_RPI___que stion_mark.gif Duronio, B.
p57 Function Negative regulator of cell cycle Tumor Suppressor! Mainprize, T.G. et al.
p57 Function Also involved in differentiation Can act as a transcription factor MyoD keeps myocyte a myocyte Besson, A. et al.
p57 Function Summary Tumor Suppressor Over expression = G1 arrest Can bind to Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA), a DNA polymerase Sigma processivity factor, via its C terminus (aa 143–160), thereby blocking processive DNA synthesis Differentiation Also involved in cytoskeletal dynamics and apoptosis, but involvement remains unclear.
What is Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome? 1-13,000 or 1-15,000 wiedemannsyndrome.org/graphics/uploadfile/1276/dia_0025a_.jpg COHEN JR., M.M.
BWS Tumors Cohen Jr., M.M. s/ency/fullsize/9056.jpg&imgrefurl= htm&h=320&w=400&sz=11&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=9gfxNPL- LdXZGM:&tbnh=99&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwilm%2527s%2Btumor%26um %3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en- US:official%26sa%3DN Zhang, P. et al.
Connecting BWS with p57 Knockout mice Zhang, P. et al. Mainprize, T.G. et al.
Knockout Mice Continued Similarities Zhang, P. et al. host.org/graphics/uploadfile/1276/omphalocele_.jpg
How does p57 cause BWS? Imprinting: complex genetics “A process that causes genes to be expressed according to their parental origin,” Affects ~1000 human genes The ones important for development p57 is an imprinted gene.
How does imprinting work? Methylation Histone Acetylation (chromatin modeling)
Imprinting and BWS Normally Maternal p57 is expressed Methylation is the main control Methylation is green light Uses methyl binding transcription factors
LOI LOI can occur via LOH LOM Or even a bad gene Izuho Hatada et al. K. Higashimoto et al.
Hatada I. et al.