Department of Human Services 2006 Health Promotion Conference “A Focus on Equity” Department of Human Services 2006 Health Promotion Conference “A Focus.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Human Services 2006 Health Promotion Conference “A Focus on Equity” Department of Human Services 2006 Health Promotion Conference “A Focus on Equity” The Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) is pleased to invite you to it’s third biannual Health Promotion conference. This is an opportunity to come together to hear and discuss the challenges in addressing inequities in health. The key note speakers are: DR ANN TAKET – Chair in Health and Social Exclusion and Director of the Centre for Health through Action on Social Exclusion (CHASE), DEAKIN UNIVERSITY. Setting the scene for the conference, Ann will discuss frameworks for promoting equity and the implications for health promotion policy and practice. HELEN SZOKE – Chief Executive Officer and Chief Conciliator, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES COMMISSION. Translating equity theory into practice, Helen will draw on the experience of the Equal Opportunities Commission. KYLIE STEPHENS – GOULBURN VALLEY WOMEN’S HEALTH. One agency’s journey in response to inequity, from training through to policy and practice outcomes: the challenges faced and plans to progress this work. ROBYN MURRAY – Manager, GLEN PARK COMMUNITY CENTRE. The practical application of working through an equity lens; how this organisation inclusively addresses the barriers to participation for people with a disability. WHEN: Tuesday 10 October 2006 WHERE: Linley Estate Mount Dandenong Road, Kilsyth (Mel ref: 51 K6) Parking available TIME: 8.45am registration, 9.30am start, concluding at approximately 4.00pm COST: $50 per person (GST inclusive) RSVP: ESSENTIAL by Tuesday 3 October Please complete this registration form and send with payment to Catherine Riskas at DHS-EMR see over for payment details This conference is a collaborative effort of the Department of Human Services, Eastern Metropolitan Region, the Inner East Health Promotion Network and the Outer East Health Promotion Network A series of five workshops are programmed for the afternoon. You will have the opportunity to participate in two of these interactive workshops. The topics are: 1.A gendered approach to equity 2.An organisational approach to equity 3.Practical steps to ensuring inclusion 4.Engaging disadvantaged groups through drama 5.Equity and employment See over for more details

“A Focus on Equity” “A Focus on Equity” the 2006 Eastern Metropolitan Region’s Health Promotion Conference ORGANISATION ADDRESS CONTACT NUMBER/S SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS WORKSHOPS Please number the workshops you would like to attend in preferential order (number 1 being your first preference). Allocations will be determined by room size and demand. A gendered approach to equity - how can a 'Gendered Analysis Framework' be practically applied to Health Promotion? Learn how to better understand gender specific social processes and how to respond with informed and equitable options. - Facilitated by Women’s Health East An organisational approach to equity - an opportunity to explore some training strategies used in the ‘Equity Principles and Practice’ module of ‘Project: Equity’; an initiative which takes a practical approach to recognising and responding to inequity and exclusion. - Facilitated by Goulburn Valley Women’s Health Inclusion - this workshop will explain the practical steps to inclusion, drawing on Glen Park Community Centre’s use of a community development framework in engaging with people with a disability. - Facilitated by the Glen Park Community Centre Building Community Health through Drama (CHAD) – this workshop will enable participants to discover how the arts can be used as a vehicle for change in community contexts, with a focus on engaging marginalised groups. - Facilitated by Ranges Community Health Service Equity and employment – this workshop will assist participants to understand the range of employment programs offered for people with a disability and disadvantaged people and to consider the relevance to their own work. - Facilitated by Workbridge Outer East Employment Service This registration form will become a Tax Invoice upon your payment (please keep a copy for your records). Conference Fee: $50 per person (GST inclusive) ABN Please send cheques c/o Catherine Riskas to DHS-EMR Locked Bag 2015, Box Hill 3128 REGISTRATION FORM / TAX INVOICE TITLENAMEPOSITION