SPURS Pasadena Workshop SPURS-1 Synthesis SPURS-2 Planning April 16-18, 2014 Del Mar Meeting Room, Courtyard Marriot
Background Jan SPURS meeting in Miami chose an eastern tropical Pacific focus for Fresh SPURS-2 Miami and Ocean Sciences Meeting in Feb provided looks at SPURS-1 results NASA Synthesis and Planning proposals submitted in December are being funded (funds available soon) This meeting is to facilitate both the synthesis and planning Immediate need is for SPURS-2 “white paper”, in preparation for July 1 proposals.
Synthesis Goals Resolve terms of the freshwater and heat budgets of the upper 1000m on time scales of a few days and spatial scales of km around the salinity maximum Identify/Quantify processes responsible for ~100m winter mixed layer, restratification in spring and relation to subsurface salinity maximum. Provide detailed description/analysis of near-surface T and S fields during annula cycle and role in air-sea interaction and remote sensing.
Salinity Processes Upper-ocean Regional Study (SPURS) The SPURS “large box”
Aquarius salinity, March 2012 psu
The SPURS “large box” Aquarius salinity, March 2012 psu
The SPURS “small box” Aquarius salinity, March 2012 psu
GPCP Precip
SPURS-2 Eastern Tropical Pacific – bookend to SPURS-1, as Atlantic water is carried into the Pacific across Central America Fresh water forcing poses different issues than evaporation, more surface focused and barrier-layer physics, rather than subduction
SPURS-2 May : Develop planning document for NASA and participant review July 30 – SPURS-2 Proposals due at NASA Aug 16 – Proposals due at NSF ~Oct30 SPUR-2 NASA Funding Decisions Jan 2015 NASA Funding starts Spring 2015 SPURS-2 Workshop 3 rd qtr st qtr 2015 – First cruise