What is the True Distribution of Star-Forming Material in Molecular Clouds? Alyssa A. Goodman (with N. Ridge & S. Schnee)
What is the True Distribution of Star-Forming Material in Molecular Clouds? MHD Turbulence Theory: lognormal (very robust result) E. Ostriker, J. Stone & C. Gammie 2001
Alyssa A. Goodman, Principal Investigator (CfA) João Alves (ESO, Germany) Héctor Arce (Caltech) Paola Caselli (Arcetri, Italy) James DiFrancesco (HIA, Canada) Jonathan Foster (CfA, PhD Student) Mark Heyer (UMASS/FCRAO) Helen Kirk (HIA, Canada) Di Li (CfA) Doug Johnstone (HIA, Canada) Naomi Ridge (CfA) Scott Schnee (CfA, PhD student) Mario Tafalla (OAN, Spain) Tom Wilson (ESO, Germany) COMPLETE The COordinated Molecular Probe Line Extinction Thermal Emission Survey
Barnard’s Perseus COMPLETE/IRAS N dust COMPLETE/FCRAO W( 13 CO)
Embracing the Confusion is Key to Understanding conspiracies of chemical excitation & depletion, optical depth, T dust, T gas, “ ,” can be critically misleading (especially for gullible theorists)
Dust Density & Dust Temperature in Perseus Total Dust Column (0 to 15 mag A V ) (Based on 60/100 microns) Dust Temperature (25 to 45 K) (Based on 60/100 microns)
IRAS N dust H- emission,WHAM/SHASSA Surveys (see Finkbeiner 2003) HH
IRAS N dust H- emission,WHAM/SHASSA Surveys (see Finkbeiner 2003) HH 2MASS/NICER Extinction
Why “COMPLETE”? + = IRAS Column Density IRAS Temperature NICER Extinction Map Alves, Lombardi & Foster Schnee et al Ridge et al. 2004
Why “COMPLETE”? + = IRAS Column Density IRAS Temperature NICER Extinction Map Alves, Lombardi & Foster Schnee et al Ridge et al. 2004
What is the True Distribution of Star-Forming Material in Molecular Clouds? Alyssa A. Goodman (with N. Ridge & S. Schnee)
Not all Measures of Column Density are Created Equal
Barnard’s Perseus IRAS: Dense+Cool; Dense+Warm; Tenuous+Warm Ridge et al. 2004; Schnee et al. 2004
Perseus Thermal Dust Emission + Spectral Lines (~100, CO Spectra)
COMPLETE Warm Dust Emission shows Great Bubble in Perseus ?? 2 x erg SN into 10 4 cm -3 5 pc in 1 Myr T=30K v exp =1.5 km s -1 ??
“But what about the Magnetic Field?”
Polarization Goodman et al. 1990