A.P.R.I.L Health and Air Pollution Exposure Tuesday 23 June 2009 Pollution episode over London 2003
About APRIL:-Air Pollution Research In London Launched June 1999:- Network to bring together research community and those responsible for air quality in London Aims: to inform on research in progress, review priorities for further research and assist in its development New programme from 2008 and extension of remit to noise and aspects of climate change in London -> active subgroups on transport; modelling, measurements, emissions and source apportionment; natural environment ; urban meteorology etc BUT have ignored links with research community on health impacts!
1.Current research interests e.g. particles; defining exposure, indoor environments, heat episodes etc 2.What are the major gaps in knowledge for the health research community 3.Are there synergies with other research activities: potential for collaboration and joint activities Examples: DAPPLE project: studies of exposure within city streets, pedestrians, cyclists, on buses etc… linked to field experiment: APRIL considering follow-on Particle composition and source apportionment studies: topic for transport group meeting on 6 July