Database Searching
The Basics Select a research topic Develop a list of keywords Databases are literal – if you type in a phrase it will search for the phrase vietnam war soldiers For more flexibility, use Boolean operators/connectors
Boolean Searching Use Boolean operators/connectors to tell the database which results you need. AND, OR, and NOT Use Boolean operators to connect your keywords together.
Topic: African American soldiers in Vietnam
Boolean – AND Narrows your search. Records must include all of the combined terms.
Boolean – OR Broadens your search Records include at least 1 of the terms. Generally used to combine synonyms, related terms, alternate spellings, and acronyms
Combining Boolean operators
Truncation / wildcard Search for several words with the same root by entering each word connected with OR or by truncating the word. Helps retrieve singular and plural forms of words black* finds black, blacks The truncation symbol acts as an OR: black OR blacks Check the database to determine the appropriate truncation symbol (? OR * OR !)
Developing a search statement Topic: media during the vietnam war
TOPIC: Media during the Vietnam war Key Concepts Synonyms Related terms: People Places Events Dates Organizations An encyclopedia or google may be helpful in identifying these terms. Developing a search statement
Example Media during the Vietnam war Media Vietnam war news media press newspapers broadcasting television Vietnam Vietnam war Vietnamese conflict Neil Sheehan Peter Arnett David Halberstam Associated Press New York Times Reporters Correspondents Journalists News syndicates Related Terms: Found in Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War
Search Statements Type keywords / key concepts / key phrases linked by Boolean connectors into databases: news media AND vietnam (journalist* OR reporter* OR correspondent*) AND (vietnam OR vietnamese conflict) (neil sheehan OR peter arnett) AND (vietnam OR vietnamese conflict)