River Cities Public Transit Pierre, South Dakota
Points of Emphasis Show River Cities Public Transit operations Explain the growth in operations Illustrate RCPT’s ridership Our seniors and people with disabilities count on our subsidized rides Participated in community events & helped with flood issues. RCPT needs continued financial support from Pierre.
Our Growth Over the Years* * Statistics from Oct 2010 to June 2011
The Purpose for the Rides* * Statistics from Oct 2010 to June 2011
Who’s Riding* * Statistics from Oct 2010 to June 2011
Another Successful Venture* * Statistics from Oct 2010 to June 2011
Employment Growth
Helping our Parents* * Statistics from Oct 2010 to June 2011
Increase in Annual Budgets 2012 is proposed budget
Local Ridership Pierre Rides 10/01/ /30/2011 Rides to Pierre: 165,667 Rides from Pierre: 167,588
Website: rcptransit.com
RCPT’s Construction Project Brought almost 4 million into the community, most contractors were local.