Advances in Energy Studies Porto Venere, September 2002 CO 2 capture and storage (with emphasis on PEACS project of UCE for the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme) Erik Lysen Utrecht Centre for Energy research (UCE)
Contents Introduction Basics of CO 2 capture and storage The PEACS study Approach Results
Introduction CO 2 capture and storage is additional option for reduction of emissions (first: energy efficiency, renewables, fuel switching) Focus on large point sources of CO 2 : hydrogen, ammonia plants (often pure CO 2 ) and power plants (4% to 15% CO 2 )
CO 2 capture Capture technology: solvent scrubbing (amines), membranes, adsorption CO 2 capture in power plants reduces efficiency: Nat. gas CC: 56% => 47% (370 => 60 g/kWh) Coal fired: 46% => 33% (720 => 150 g/kWh) Gasif. CC: 46%=> 38% (710 => 130 g/kWh) Source: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, IEA/OECD, 2000
CO 2 capture costs CO 2 capture increases capital costs plants: NGCC: 100%, coal: 80%, IGCC: 50% Cost of electricity generation increases: NGCC: + 1 USct/kWh Coal: USct/kWh IGCC: + 2 USct/kWh Cost avoided emissions: US$ 30-50/tonne of CO 2 Source: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, IEA/OECD, 2000
CO 2 storage potential Depleted oil and gas reservoirs: 920 Gt CO 2 (45% of world emissions until 2050) (EOR standard: 33 Mt/yr in 74 projects) Deep saline aquifers: Gt CO 2 (20 to 500% of world emissions until 2050) (Norwegian Sleipner field: 1 Mt/yr) Unmineable coal beds: > 15 Gt CO 2 (ECBM: 2 CO 2 fixed => 1 CH 4 free) Deep ocean: ?? Source: Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, IEA/OECD, 2000
Subject PEACS study Capture: select high purity sources, world- wide (hydrogen, ammonia, no power plants) Transmission: limit to 50 or 100 km Injection/storage: -world-wide oilfields: EOR options -world-wide coal fields: ECBM options PEACS (Project Early Application Carbon dioxide Storage): Select best combination Source: PEACS Study, UCE, for IEA-GHG, 2002
Approach Start with existing inventory CO 2 sources (14652 sources: IEA GHG study by Ecofys) Use inventories of oil and coal fields Produce “long list” of 198 “pre-selected sources” with >40% CO 2 and > 0.1 MT/yr Econ. + MCA: short list 30 combinations With IEA GHG: select 4 cases
Cumulative CO 2 emission of sources
Pre-selection of sources Minimum percentage of 40% CO 2 in waste stream: 443 sources, plus 20 hydrogen plants (8-100%) Minimum CO 2 emission of 100,000 tonnes per year: 198 sources remain These are called: “pre-selected sources”
Geographical distribution pre-selected sources
Distance grid to sources
Oil occurrences
Opportunities for EOR
Combining CO2 sources and EOR sinks
Results Long list with: - 62 sources with 409 EOR combinations - 58 sources with 78 ECBM combinations Initial selection procedure and Multi Criteria Analysis: short list with 15 EOR and 15 ECBM Final selection: 2 EOR and 2 ECBM
Final four cases
EOR costs
ECBM costs