Physics 218: Mechanics Instructor: Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova Lecture 41
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Exercise 4 k1k1 k2k2 m x=0
Resonance amplitude
Frames of reference
This means that in the freely-falling elevator cabin you don’t feel any effects of gravity! You and all objects around you experience the same acceleration. In outer space you can imitate the effect of gravity by acceleration.
P218 foundation
Newton’s First Law Second Law Third Law
Kinematics is given, you can find If and
Work Energy Theorem
does NOT depend on path!
Mechanical energy is conserved!
Conservation of Momentum If the collision is perfectly elastic, the kinetic energy is conserved!
Circular Motion y x
Conservation of Angular Momentum For symmetrical objects rotating about their axis of symmetry: Second Law: m1 m2 R
Harmonic Motion Resonance:
Final exam: room 101 Richardson, 10 am- noon, Friday, December 5 th. Help Sessions: Tuesday (by appointment) Wednesday, December 3rd, 2pm 207 ENPH?