From Effectiveness to Greatness Habit #8
Find Your Voice Engage in work that genuinely taps your talents and fuels your passion Doing something significant with your career Take the path to greatness rather than settle for mediocrity
Find Your Voice A whole person has four basic components: A physical body A mind capable of independent thought and analysis A heart which can feel emotion A spirit—your soul or philosophical center
Find Your Voice Each of the four components ahs a corresponding basic need: Physical body—to live Mind—to learn Heart—to love Spirit—to leave a legacy
Find Your Voice The highest manifestation of these capacities are: Physical body—discipline Mind—vision Heart—passion Spirit—conscience
Find Your Voice As you begin to understand, respect, and ultimately balance these manifestations for yourself, synergy is created You become energized as you begin to understand what you’re actually capable of achieving When you engage in work that taps your talents and fuels your passions, and which fills the need your conscience has drawn you towards, you find your voice
Find Your Voice The human voice is unique and significant because it lies at the intersection of your own unique: Talents—natural gifts and strengths Passion—those things that excite and enthuse you Needs—the necessity that you earn a living by providing what people are willing to pay for Conscience—that still, small internal voice or compass which confirms what is right and when you’re doing it
Express Your Voice In order to express your voice more decisively and distinctly, you need to work at building your capacities in each of these four dimensions Vision Discipline Passion conscience
Express Your Voice Vision Being able to see a future state in your mind’s eye before it materializes in the flesh Applied imagination Most things are created mentally before being brought into the physical world Practice seeing the best in people and finding it This will help bring out the best in them
Express Your Voice Discipline Willpower Needed to actually make things happen Means to: Accept reality Become totally immersed in the facts Move forward Do what has to be done rather than what is easy to do Forgo immediate pleasure in anticipation of a far greater future payoff
Express Your Voice Passion The unrelenting drive which comes from the heart Being motivated because you believe the best way to predict the future is to take part in shaping it Find your purpose and role in the world When you are passionate, you don’t require any supervision to get things done Motivation comes from within
Express Your Voice Conscience Your moral sense of what’s right and wrong Encourages people to sacrifice something good in order to achieve something better Transforms passion into compassion and allows us to build relationships of trust with others People who live by their conscience will have inner integrity and peace of mind
Express Your Voice Apply these four dimensions to any role you carry out in your life Ask the following questions: What need to I sense for my family, in my community, or in the organization I work for? What talent do I possess which, if properly disciplined and applied, would meet that specific need? Does the opportunity to meet that need tap into the things I feel most passionate about? Does my conscience allow me to take action in this way and become intensively involved?
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Once you’ve found your own voice, the way you can continue to increase your feelings of achievement is to help others find their voices To inspire others means to recognize, respect, and create meaningful opportunities for others to express their voices Inspire—Latin inspirare--Breath life into another
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Whenever you express your voice using the four dimensions—vision, passion, discipline, and conscience—you are displaying potential leadership Leaders must fill four roles: Modeling Pathfinding Aligning empowering
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Modeling Set a good example Inspires trust Pathfinding Developing strategies to move forward Creates order Aligning Structures, processes, systems that keep everyone on course Produces a moral authority Empowering Focusing talents on results rather than methods used Unleashes human potential
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Building Focus Expanding influence Striving for personal excellence Always doing what’s right Avoiding complaining, criticizing, or being negative Empathizing with your boss—do more than what is expected Being constant—sticking to your principles
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Building Focus Be Trustworthy Personal integrity—principle centered life Maturity—dealing with tough issues compassionately An abundance mentality—win-win attitude, gratitude Technical competence—skills and knowledge Conceptual knowledge—ability to see the big picture Awareness—all life is interdependent
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Build Focus Building Trust Create mutual understanding Generate an environment of integrity Practice openness Be kind and courteous Think win-win Clarify expectations Be loyal Be prepared to accept apologies Give and receive genuine feedback Be forgiving
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Build Focus Blend other’s voices Conflict can be good Create synergy—never compromise Questions to ask: Would you be willing to search for another alternative solution that is better than what either you have proposed or what we have proposed so far? Would you agree to one simple ground rule while we discuss this: No one can make his or her point until they have restated the other person’s previous point to his or her satisfaction
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices Build Focus Create a common vision Combine mission, vision, and values with a strategic plan When people know what key goals are, they will be accountable for achieving those goals Focus on what needs to be done
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices To Execute Better Align goals and systems Develop informational systems Create a compensation system Have an abundance mentality Stay flexible Look constantly at world-class performers Set up a great feedback system Achieve good balance
Inspire Others to Find Their Voices To Execute Better Empower others When people feel empowered, they need little or no supervision Use their own initiative Key empowerment tools: Win-win agreements Self evaluation and performance appraisal Servant leaders
Closing the Gap Between Focus and Execution Focus on the one thing that is important Create a compelling scoreboard everyone will want to use Must be highly visible Must reflect progress toward your goal Must be updated daily Translate goals into very specific actions Hold each other accountable for results all the time