The Prospecting Process Step # 4. Go Prospecting! A variety of methods is most effective but the most common include... u Cold Calls u Leads u Segment-specific prospecting Developed by Purdue University
Cold Calling Cold calls are calls you make on customers –you don’t know or haven’t worked with before In business-to-business markets –many people believe that cold calling is not useful or even possible –because they think they “know everybody” When you cold call, you have an opportunity –to learn much about your market as well as finding new customers Cold calling keeps you sharp Developed by Purdue University
Cold Calling Your competitors customers –are an important source of cold calls Trade shows are another type of cold call –because new prospects “come to you” but you must... –Get customers into your exhibit –Track who shows up –Follow-up after the show Developed by Purdue University
Segment Specific Prospecting Segment Specific Prospecting are calls made –on prospects you don’t know but who fit a category or segment –that you believe qualifies them »to be a good prospect These “Cool” calls are valuable because –the probability of finding good prospects is significantly greater Developed by Purdue University
Leads Leads are calls made on prospects –who you have reason go believe has a need that fits your product –or may already be interested in your product Leads come from a wide variety of sources –Other salespeople in your company –Service or staff people –Trade show contacts –Salespeople in non-competitive firms –Satisfied customers –Other prospects Developed by Purdue University
The Prospecting Process Step #5. Prioritize Prospects By Name - –Once you have developed an extensive list you must decide who to call on first –The Prospect Priority Index (PPI) is a widely recognized tool –for prioritizing prospects Developed by Purdue University