Land of contradictions Huge empire Situated in both “West” & “East”
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Land of contradictions Great power Great poverty & underdevelopment
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Land of contradictions Primarily agrarian society Beginning to modernize & industrialize
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Land of contradictions Elite 1%) controlled everything Majority of population (over 80%) = peasants
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Land of contradictions Elite lived in great wealth & opulence Majority lived in poverty
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Land of contradictions Great culture & thought Produced some of world’s greatest artists, writers, thinkers, scientists LEV TOLSTOY ANNA PAVLOVA PETR TCHAIKOVSKY MARC CHAGALL IVAN PAVLOV
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Began late, but steady growth But still lagged behind West Industrialization & rise of capitalism
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Russia’s divergent path Pervasive state control of economy Strict autocratic control of political system
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Role of the Church Propped up autocracy Subordinate to government
OLD REGIME RUSSIA The Multi-National Empire Hundreds of different ethnic groups Often chafed under Russian control
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Communal Nature Focus of life for most: Family Village Commune (OBSHCHINA or MIR)
OLD REGIME RUSSIA Great population growth 1861 = 73 million 1897 = 125 million 1917 = 170 million Placed great strain on land/resources