Facts about Israel Area : 20,770 sq km Population : 6.5M Arable land : 15% Jews : 78% Life expectancy: 80.9/76.7 Median age : 30 Pop. Growth : 1.2% Climate : moderate in north, dry in south Ethnic diversity
Forests in Israel
Among the nations Strong ties with the US Associate member of the EU Peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan Good relations with other Arab countries, e.g. North African Countries, Qatar
Science in Israel Small – emphasis on science and technology Seven Universities Government funded All fields of science Specifically: - Agriculture and water science -Biology and medicine -Math and computer science Four Nobel prize winners Strong ties with industry Ties with the world: BSF,GIF EU grants. Agriculture and water: Africa, S. America
Regional collaboration Sesame - Jordan 2/3 related to regional problems, in e.g. medicine, agriculture, water Environmental research center planned for Jordan-Israel border Israel-Palestinian: difficult at this time
Border from satelite Note the color change at the border
Odd facts Microsoft-Israel developed most of Windows-NT technology. Intel’s Centrino chip was developed in Israel. Motorola developed the first cell phone in Israel. Israel has the worlds highest percentage of home computers per capita. Israeli researchers developed a special metal detector that eliminates the need to remove shoes for airport security checks. Lowest point in the world – Dead sea m Growth in tree population
Women in science