Of LALOs & RUMLOs … and things that go … together in
e-evolve? FDTL Phase 5 Project aims to enhance online supported employability skills development for business and management graduates e-evolve is led from UCLan, UWBS is one of a number of participating consortium members creating reusable learning objects (RLOs) from enrolment to employability
concepts learning objects breaking educational material down into modular ‘chunks’ (objects) each object can have its own defining properties tagged combined with other objects, assembled into sequences design objectives re-usable, customisable, applicable, stand-alone, sharable, durable, interoperable …
contexts repositories Biz/Ed SOSIG MERLOT JORUM - UW materials CETL for Reusable Learning Objects realities contexts of use: narrower > wider? sophistication: hi-tech > lo-tech? utility: re-using > re-purposing? take-up? tutors? KISS?
reusable learning objects? ThenTodayTomorrow
then, and now? administration letters notices timetable syllabus lecture notes reading lists textbooks handouts articles case studies exercises quizzes assessment exams coursework
yesterday – VLE! WOLF institutional structured VLE core dimensions communication content interaction anytime, anywhere blended learning administration notices timetable syllabus lecture notes reading lists textbooks handouts articles case studies exercises quizzes assessment exams coursework
today – curriculum map learning objects – key employability themes LALOs packaged learning activities on topics within key themes RUMLOs re-useable raw materials that can be repackaged to configure and create new or refreshed topics
Curriculum Map - Themes Consultancy & Project Management Career Management Business Communication Skills Leadership & Management Creativity &Problem Solving Ethical & Social Awareness - Other Key Skills Case Stories My Portfolio Professional Development Commercial Awareness
e-evolve learning objects Re-useable Material Learning Objects (RUMLOs) Word PDF Audio Learning Activity Learning Object (LALOs) Tasks: aggregated items Assessment Powerpoint Video etc. Cartoon Items: granular files
Learning Activity Learning Objects based on themes in the curriculum map informed by research into employability learning design by academics learning outcomes sequence of tasks that use re-useable material learning objects stand alone independent of VLE shared through e-evolve website packaged in a word-like format – Course Genie can be easily repackaged or amended LALOs
Re-Usable Material Learning Objects single resource pedagogically independent variety of formats basic files: e.g. MS Office, pdf, jpeg, etc enhanced files: e.g. Macromedia Breeze plug-in used to enhance Powerpoint for mini lectures different types knowledge providing assessment case stories readily accessible easily handled RUMLOs
a set of RUMLOs A Introduction to Negotiation (Enhanced ppt) B Conflict Styles (Enhanced ppt) C Conflict Mgt. Survey (URL link) D Negotiation Self-Test (Enhanced ppt) E What is Conflict (Enhanced ppt) F Conflict Quiz (Enhanced ppt)
a pair of LALOs A Introduction to Negotiation (Enhanced ppt) B Conflict Styles (Enhanced ppt) C Conflict Mgt. Survey (URL link) D Negotiation Self-Test (Enhanced ppt) E What is Conflict Mgt (Enhanced ppt) F Conflict Quiz (Enhanced ppt) Introduction to Negotiation Managing Conflict
today – VLE & PLE !! PebblePad loosely scaffolded, learner driver personal development … records: abilities, achievements, action plans, experiences, meetings, thoughts, CVs … blogs: online chronological journals … webfolios: evidencing the stories of learning from the life long journey of learning … resources: digital file uploads of documents, images, sounds, video … skills profiling …
tomorrow’s world today? web 2.0 embedding in institutional TSL provision extending into social spaces beyond enabling learners to take control? second life today’s celebration may not be taking place on the University’s virtual beach resort in sub-tropical Tipton…but might next year’s? implications for enhancing graduate employability?
reflections e-evolve as a case study highlights the challenges of defining and developing e-learning in a context of rapidly changing technology, pedagogy and culture: specify, design and create materials as simply and generically as possible if ready re-use is intended expect RLO design objectives still to be confounded by technical issues of interoperability, etc e-learning is moving to the core of learning enhancement, changing professional roles and challenging identities surfing successive waves of disruptive innovation can be frustrating and fun Here is further reflection: evolution, academe & TSL! Here