Information Hub Planning Committee n Lorin Ritchie, Chair n Helen Clarke n Harold Esche n Mick Morrall n Sharon Neary n Ross Thrasher n Darlene Warren n Peggy White n Morven Wilson
Background n Changing Environment. n Increased access to electronic information. n Growing number and complexity of search and retrieval tools. n Growing importance of non-print, non-text. n Dependence on technology. n Increased need for information literacy.
Background n Building blocks. n Strategic Transformation. n Curriculum Redesign. n Technology Integration Plan. n Library Task Force Report. n Library of the Future Task Force Report. n Knowledge Network Grant.
Directions n New information n New services n New technology n New partnerships
Vision n Provide the space, technology, and expertise needed to support the scholarly use of information resources and act as the focal point for information services.
Mission To be the core facility for the provision of information resources and information technology for scholars at the University of Calgary. n Promote the development of information literacy. n Provide access to expertise and technology. n Design spaces that support many types of scholarly work. n Commit to ongoing innovation and improvement.
Physical Setting n Central integrated facility. n Welcoming, functional, safe, environment. n Flexible modular design. n Access to workstations throughout.
Desired Outcome: Skill n Acquire the skills I need to identify, locate, retrieve, and manipulate information. n Instruction services for remote and onsite scholars. n Instruction spaces and facilities. n Multiple “layers” of instruction.
Desired Outcome: Information n Acquire the information I need. n Timely access to needed information resources. n Facilities and support needed to for access to all types of information. n Facilities for viewing, retrieval and output. n Precise and direct system of referral. n Provision of information concerning University programs and activities.
Desired Outcome: Support n Acquire the help I need. n Assistance in search and retrieval of information. n Assistance with capture, transfer, scanning, manipulation, and expression of information. n Advice in configuring the scholar’s personal workstation n On-going active learning programs for staff.
Desired Outcome: Access to Facilities n I can use various spaces and workstations to complete my scholarly work. n Secure flexible workstation areas for both group and individual work. n Workstations that are equipped for the capture, transfer, scan, manipulation and expression of information in a variety of formats. n Adaptive technologies.
Next Steps and Timelines n Feedback and Consultation n Planning Document on Web n , comments n Open sessions n Site visits n Hire Project Manager n Space study audit n Architect n Preliminary floor plans n Feedback n Final floor plans n Construction starts May 1999 n Construction ends August 1999