Multipath Protocol for Delay-Sensitive Traffic Jennifer Rexford Princeton University Joint work with Umar Javed, Martin Suchara, and Jiayue He
Clean-Slate Network Architecture Network architecture More than designing a single protocol Definition and placement of function Clean-slate design Without the constraints of today’s artifacts To have a stronger intellectual foundation And move beyond the incremental fixes But, how do we do clean-slate design?
Protocols as Distributed Optimizers Example: TCP congestion control Additive increase, multiplicative decrease Implicitly maximizes aggregate utility TCP variants have different utility functions Optimization for “forward” engineering Start with a central optimization problem Decompose to divide the computation … among the sources and the links Research by Frank Kelly, Steven Low, Mung Chiang, and others
Our Focus: Delay-Sensitive Traffic Interactive applications Voice over IP (VoIP) Online gaming IP television Path-selection goals Paths with low propagation delay … as long as paths are not overloaded For now, assume the network carries only delay-sensitive traffic
Strawman: Min Propagation Delay Operator: Sets weights to propagation delay Routers: Link-state routing But links may become congested, causing packet loss and delay…
Our Goal: Adaptive Load Balancing Distributed protocol that automatically minimizes delay Division of functionality Links: feedback on network conditions Edge routers: balance load over paths
Multiple Paths With Flexible Splitting Multiple paths between edge nodes Paths with low propagation delay Flexible traffic-splitting ratio Traffic rate x i for src-dest pair i Traffic rate z i j over path j z11z11 z21z21 z31z31 x 1 = z z z 1 3
Objective: Minimize Average Delay Minimize average delay End-to-end delay on each path Weighted by the traffic on the path Delay for link l Propagation delay p l Congestion penalty f(load on link l) Delay for link l : p l + f() Summed: ∑ i ∑ j ∑ l z i j R i lj (p l + f()) Weighted: z i j R i lj (p l + f())
Constraints Carry the offered load for each source ∑ j z i j = x i Avoid overloading each link ∑ i ∑ j z i j R i lj ≤ c l Carry non-negative traffic on each path 0 ≤ z i j
Optimization Decomposition Deriving source and link algorithms Prices: penalties for violating a constraint Path rates: updates driven by prices Example: TCP congestion control Link prices: packet loss or delay Source rates: AIMD based on prices Our problem is more complicated More complex objective, multiple paths
Capacity constraint Subgradient feedback price update: Stepsize controls the granularity of reaction Link computes price as feedback to sources Example Decomposition: Link Capacity l (t+1) = [ l (t) + stepsize* ( link load – c l )] + link load ≤ c l Source does similar update for “carry all offered load” constraint.
Path Rate Updates Each source i does a local optimization To update the path rates z i j Based on The “prices” of violating constraints … and the objective function Closed-form expression With piecewise-linear queuing function f() See the paper for the exact equation Derived by taking the Lagrangian and applying KKT conditions.
Distributed Multipath Protocol Edge node: Update path rates z Split traffic over paths Operator: Select function f Tune step sizes Routers: Set up multiple paths Measure link load Update link prices
Optimality and stability Provably optimal Provably converges for diminishing step sizes Practical limitations Must have well-chosen step sizes … to achieve fast convergence Matlab experiments to sweep parameters Good heuristics for setting (constant) step sizes Theoretical Results
Converting to Packet-Level Protocol Packets rather than fluid Links compute load over a time interval Counting the sizes of the packets Feedback delay of round-trip time Multiple paths have different RTTs Path rate updates once per max of RTTs Implemented in ns-2 simulator For more realistic evaluation
Comparison With Shortest-Path Routing Shortest-path routing Link weights equal propagation delay Under low load The two protocols behave the same way Under higher load Our protocol gradually shifts traffic … to longer paths to avoid overload … while keeping end-to-end delay small
Convergence Under Dynamic Traffic
Multiple Classes of Traffic Satisfying multiple traffic classes Delay-sensitive: VoIP and gaming Throughput-sensitive: file transfers Running separate virtual networks Customized protocol for each traffic class Dynamic update to bandwidth shares Provably maximizes aggregate performance Derived using optimization theory
Conclusions Delay-sensitive applications VoIP, online gaming, IPTV… Customized routing protocol Load balancing over multiple paths Minimizing end-to-end delay Optimization decomposition Rigorous way to design new protocols With provable optimality and stability Ongoing work: network virtualization
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Protocol Dynamics Good heuristics for setting step size Converges quickly under range of settings Relatively fast convergence Small tens of seconds in worst case Better under more realistic settings Quick response to changes in load Fast adaptation to new traffic demands