Team Eris Mobile <> GPS integration
Simplicity function Edge cases
Goal for our app Help users find nearby locations Minimize time interacting with GPS units Help users get on the road quicker Things we learned
Personas Rachel Things we learned Ease of use
Personas Ann Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity
Personas Alex Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle
Alex's Scenario 17 min Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle
Alex's Scenario 5 min Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle
Alex's Scenario -1 min Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle
Alex's Scenario -3 min Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle
Prototype and Changes
Mobile App Homescreen Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases
Adding multiple cars back in Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function
Cutting the GPS Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models
Cutting Multiple Destinations Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models
Things we learned Why We Cut Multiple Destinations - Edge case - Did not fit user mental model of GPS - Users found it easier not to work with a destinations queue Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models
So our GPS interface became... Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models Focus on project goals
Focusing on GPS-Mobile Connection Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models Focus on project goals
Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models Focus on project goals
Things we learned Ease of use Travel Simplicity Integration with current lifestyle Edge Cases Balance simplicity and function Mental models Focus on project goals
Simplicity function Edge cases