“STEM IN ACTION” a comprehensive program to deal with what has been described by many as a critical situation facing our Commonwealth and indeed the nation.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM IN ACTION” is presented as a concept proposal that will meet the overall goal of “enhancing student interest and retention in STEM fields”. This proposal builds upon several successful initiatives that have been implemented by Springfield College, including its “Emerging Scientists” Summer Enrichment Camp, “Leaders for Tomorrow”, and the “Partners” program. These very successful programs have collectively targeted elementary and middle- school students who are under-represented minority students and are from families with middle to lower socio-economic status.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM IN ACTION” will pull together a number of contributors that Springfield College believes are essential to successfully enhancing student interest and retention in STEM fields.
“STEM IN ACTION” “Leaders of Tomorrow in STEM Fields”- A summer program that focuses upon leadership skills, self- confidence, and personal skills that have an impact on life-long success in STEM fields.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM After School Program”- an aggressive after school program that is led by STEM sponsors to actively engage elementary and middle-school students in exciting on-going projects developed mutually with students based upon their particular interests. This program will be offered on the campus of Springfield College.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM Partners”- a program in which elementary and middle-school students will be partnered with personal mentors who are actively engaged in a STEM field. These mentors may be faculty or undergraduate and graduate students at Springfield College.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM Career Days”- a series of one-day programs that will take place after school and during the summer that will engage elementary and middle-school students along with their parents in career opportunities in the STEM fields and led by successful STEM practitioners who come from similar under-represented minorities and backgrounds of similar socio-economic status. The Springfield College Career Center will aid in the development of this series by seeking out these STEM practitioners. We would also like to actively engage the Regional Technology Corporation as a partner in this endeavor.
“STEM IN ACTION” “Academic Success in STEM Fields”- a series of one day programs that are designed to present to elementary and middle-school students those strategies and best practices that lead to academic success in STEM fields. These sessions will be led by professional staff from Springfield College’s Academic Success Center and will be held both after school and during the summer months.
“STEM IN ACTION” “STEM Scholars in Action”- a yearly culminating event in which elementary and middle- school students who have participated in the “STEM After School Program” present their projects in an open arena along with their STEM sponsor. Each project will be judged by a group of STEM professionals who are volunteers from local STEM industries. Various awards will be presented. All participating students will receive a certificate of achievement for their project. Parents will be encouraged to participate in this event as parent mentors.
“STEM IN ACTION” Springfield College has a long and successful history of community engagement and in particular programs that reach out to under-represented minorities in the local community. Partnerships have been established between Springfield College that can be used for this proposal. These include the DeBerry Elementary School, Brookings School, Kensington School, and the Renaissance School.
“STEM IN ACTION” Overall Budget Estimate:$400K Coordination and Assessment Transportation and Food Direct Participant Cost Activities, curriculum materials Staffing
“STEM IN ACTION” Budget Estimate by Component: Coordination and Assessment of the Entire Project: $40K- $45K per year "Leaders of Tomorrow in STEM Fields":- $20K "STEM After School Program"- $20K "STEM Partners"- $10K "STEM Career Days"- $10K "Academic Success in STEM Fields"- $10K "STEM Scholars in Action"- $20K Number of New Students per Year:20-30 using a model that keeps students from previous years engaged in the program, at least as student mentors