TOMPKINS COUNTY JAIL ORIENTATION SEMINAR Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Peter J. Meskill Chief of Corrections Debra Niemi
WELCOME The Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office, Jail Division, is looking forward to working with your organization to better serve the inmate population of Tompkins County. The administration and staff of the Tompkins County Jail are dedicated professionals who are here to assist you in making your program a success.
OBJECTIVES This orientation was designed to create a comprehensive understanding as to the responsibility The Sheriff of Tompkins County has to you, the professional visitor, while inside the facility. It is very important a foundation be established to better facilitate the needs of your program that coincides with the operating procedures of the facility, to assure a safe and secure environment for everyone. Your understanding of our procedures and willingness to operate within them is greatly appreciated.
TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION Chief of Corrections Approval Professional Visitors Sign-in Logbook Personal Property Inmate Contact Inmate Behavior Contact with Inmates Sexual Misconduct Sexual Contact Sexual Abuse Staff Movement
CHIEF OF CORRECTIONS APPROVAL All professional organizations running programs inside the facility must submit a list of participants to the Chief of Corrections for approval. This must be done prior to any scheduled program start date. This approval list is based on criteria established by the facility to reasonably guarantee that security in the jail will be maintained. Only those persons approved by the Chief of Corrections will be allowed access to the jail to administer your program.
PROFESSIONAL VISITORS LOGBOOK Logbook is located in the main entrance to the jail It is the responsibility of each visitor to LEGIBLY sign in upon entering the jail and sign out upon departing the jail. “PASS” Alarm - This is a devise used by the visitor to alert jail staff of a potential and/or emergency situation that has developed during your program. It will bring an immediate response to your location, by jail staff, when activated.
PERSONAL PROPERTY Is any item that belongs to you, NOT APPROVED TO BE BROUGHT INTO THE JAIL. Usual items include coats, hats, purses, electronic devices, pens, pencils, paper or any type of weapon. No personal letters, mail or notes can be brought into the jail and given to the inmates unless approved by the Chief of Corrections in advance of your scheduled program date. Organizations must submit a list of materials needed for your program. This list must be approved in advance of the scheduled start date for your program.
INMATE CONTACT One of the greatest threats to the safety and security of any correctional facility is directly attributed to the passing of unauthorized items (contraband) by visitors during contact visits. THIS INCLUDES PROFESSIONAL VISITORS WHILE RUNNING PROGRAMS INSIDE THE FACILITY. YOU MUST FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN A PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE AT ALL TIMES WHILE IN THE FACILITY. PROFESSIONAL DISTANCING IS IMPORTANT
INMATE BEHAVIOR It is the responsibility of the inmate to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times during programming. Anytime an inmate becomes disruptive, non-compliant, threatening, or in anyway causes unrest during a program, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE THE INMATE REMOVED FROM THE PROGRAM. If inmate conduct is witnessed by facility staff, that inmate may be removed by the officer based on THE INMATE RULES AND REGULATIONS. If an inmate has been removed, it will be the decision of the Chief of Corrections as to whether or not the inmate will be removed for a specific period of time or permanently removed from the program. Unless otherwise specified with the Chief of Corrections, no inmate will be allowed to attend certain programs if they are on any disciplinary sanctions for violations of Inmate Rules and Regulations.
CONDUCT WITH INMATES Anyone entering the facility is considered staff. You are there to perform a specific professional service for the inmate. Staff is expected to have a high level of moral, ethical and professional standards. Engaging in any form of over familiar activity with an inmate is deemed to be unprofessional behavior, which is a violation of departmental policy. As staff, your designated assignments place you in a position of authority over the inmates with whom you interact with. ANY ABUSE OF THIS AUTHORITY WILL CAUSE FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION. You will not be allowed to enter the facility until such time the Chief of Corrections reinstates you to the participant list.
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Is defined as a person who is in a position of trust and authority, who engages in behavior of a sexual nature. Sexual Misconduct includes acts or attempts to commit acts of sexual contact, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment. Sexual Misconduct includes conversations or correspondence which demonstrates or suggests a romantic or intimate relationship between an inmate and any contractual employee, volunteer or individual in a position of authority over an inmate. All sexual contact between inmates and staff is sexual misconduct, REGARDLESS OF CONSENT!!
SEXUAL CONTACT Shall include, but not be limited to, all forms of sexual contact as well as the intentional touching, either directly or through clothing, the GENITALIA BUTTOCK GROIN BREASTS INNER THIGHS LIPS of any person with the intent to abuse, humiliate, harass, degrade or gratify the sexual desire of any person.
SEXUAL ABUSE Shall include but not be limited to, subjecting another person to sexual contact by persuasion, inducement, enticement or forcible compulsion; Subjecting to sexual contact another person who is incapable of giving consent by reason of their custodial status; Subjecting another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consenting by reason being physically helpless or restrained or mentally incapacitated and: Raping, molesting, prostituting or otherwise sexually exploiting another person.
STAFF MOVEMENT All movement within the facility, as it applies to you, is the responsibility of the jail administration and staff. This includes any possible restrictions, delays and/or cancellations of programming as deemed necessary to maintain safety and security concerns within the facility.