Kappa alpha psi fraternity incorparated
Purpose Kappa alpha psi fraternity incorparate was found january indiana university Fundamental purpose is acheivement in every field of human endover.
The founders Elder Watson Diggs, “The Dreamer”; John Milton Lee; Bryon K Armstrong; Guy Levis Grant; Ezra D Alexander; Henry T Asher ; Marcus P Blakemore; Paul W Caine; Edward G Irvin; George W. Edmond.
Guide right program. T he basic concepts of Guide Right may be summarized as follows: 1.To help youth, especially those of high school age, in the selection of courses leading to vocations compatible with their aptitudes, interests, and personalities. 2.To assist students, while they are in training, to get started in employment, and to progress successfully in their chosen fields. 3.To assist parents in the handling of their children by giving them opportunities to talk over their problems with those who know and are successful in their chosen vocations. 4.To afford the less fortunate youths a respite from the drudgery of the streets, through sponsored entertainment and cultural enrichment. 5.To inform youth of the values of higher education, of assistance available for continued educational pursuits, scholarships, loans, professional counseling, fellowships, etc.; of various occupational and professional opportunities; and of current lab or demands and the trends on the labor market, supply rewards, etc.
Community Service...to inspire service in the public interest Some of the community service project we are taking part are "Christmas with the Kappas This event creates a social environment for the fresno Community while collecting proceeds to benefit disadvantaged families around the Christmas holiday. Service Event with "My Sister's Closet" "I AM IU: An Exploration of Black Student Life"This three hour symposium targeted rising juniors and seniors in high school. The men of PI Beta Chapter spoke on a panel discussion about the Black College Experience, gave a speech on College Life, and performed a Step Show for the students. PI Beta Finest Charity Auction"The Charity Auction featured men from KAPsi, IU Athletics, and other greeks on campus. This event was a huge success and raised over $1000 to our local charity.