2 Personality:Its Basic Nature and Role in Organizational Behavior. Personality:The unique and relatively stable patterns of behavior,thoughts and emotions shown by individuals
3 Work-Related Aspects of Personality The “ Big Five ” Dimension of Personality and organization behavior: 1.Conscientionusness: a dimension ranging from careful,thorough,responsible,organized self-disciplined and scrupulous. 2.Extraversion-Introversion: a dimension ranging from sociable, talkative, assertive and active.
4 3.Agreeableness: a dimension ranging from good natured, gentle, cooperative, forgiving and hopeful. 4.Emotional Stability: a dimension ranging from anxious, depressed, angry, emotion, insecure and excitable. 5.Openness to Experience: a dimension ranging from imaginative, narrow, crude and simple at the other.
5 The Type A Behavior Pattern: why Being in a hurry can be costly to your health -Type A behavior pattern: pattern of behavior involving high levels of competitiveness, time urgency and irritability. -Type B behavior pattern: pattern of behavior characterized by a casual, laid-back style the opposite of the type A behavior pattern.
6 Self-Efficacy: The “ can do ” facet of personality Self-Efficacy: Individuals beliefs concerning their ability to perform specific tasks successfully.
7 Self-monitoring: self-Image versus private reality 1.Self-monitoring and performanc. 2.Self-monitoring and career success. 3.Self-monitoring and impression management. 4.Self-monitoring and mentoring. 5.The potential downside of self-monitoring.
8 Machiavellianism:Using other to Get Ahead 1.Machiavellianism and success. 2. Dealing with high machs.
9 Work-Related motives: Achievement, Power and Affiliation -Achievement motivation: The strength of an individuals desire to excel-to succeed at difficult tasks and to do them better than other persons. -Power motivation: The strength of an individuals desire to be in charge, to be able to exercise control over other.
10 -Affiliation motivation: The strength of an individuals desire to have close, friendly relations with others. -Leadership motivation pattern (LMP): A pattern of personality traits involving high power motivation, low affiliation motivation and a high degree of self- control.
11 Morning personal and Evening personal -Morning personal: Individuals who feel most energetic and alert early in the day. -Evening personal: Individuals who feel most energetic and alert late in the day.
12 Abilities: Having what It Takes Abilities: mental and physical capacities to perform various tasks.
13 Intellectual Abilities 1.The many faces of intelligence. 2. Emotional intelligence. 3. Cognitive abilities and memory. 4. Memory and aging.
14 Measuring Individuals Differences Some Basic Methods 1. Objective and Projective tests. - Objective tests: Questionnaires and inventories designed to measure various aspects of personality. - Projective tests: Methods for measuring personality in which individuals respond to ambiguous stimuli. Their responses provide insights into their personality traits.
15 2. Reliability and validity: Essential requirements: If correlation is low, Reliability is low scores on test at time 2 Scores on Test at Time 1 Reliability If correlation is high, Reliability is high
16 scores on test do not correlate highly with criterion validity is low scores on criterion scores on test scores on test correlate highly with criterion validity is high. validity