Community Forestry in Nepal at the Cross-Roads: Where Do We Go? Narayan Kaji Shrestha Women Acting Together for Change (WATCH), Nepal
1. INTRODUCTION Nepal known for Country for the Mt. Everest and the Himalays is also is known as the Country of Community Forestry Many issues and problems being raised Issues become significant in the context that three agencies are vying for control of forest management
1.1 Contending Forces Government forest agencies, local government agencies and user groups are contending and vying for power, authority, and control over and manage forestry resources in Nepal. . The forest bureaucracy gets its power and authority to control and manage forestry resource through the state
The local government agencies through politics and election. FECOFUN being a representative has to strengthen itself by improving credibility of users by setting up horizontal accountability among users themselves.
1.2 Background Loot the Resource from People and Destroy Environment Forest Destruction in Himalayan Country reached up to 3.9% per annum “Eco-Doom” and “Tragedy of Commons” Himalayan Kingdom to be a Desert by 2000 Bureaucracy-Politicians-Contractors’ Nexus Destroyers of Forests People are Blamed
Who Are Destroyers of Forest Resources? Historically, State and Rulers Encroached upon Forest Resources of People Distributed as Salary, Bravery, Reward, etc. Even, British Raj in India Looted Nepal’s Forest for Railway Slippers and others. By 1950, One-Third of the Forest Land Distributed to Elites and Powerful and Three- Fourth went to the Rana Families
1.3 Initiative after 1951 Nationalization of Private Forests Forest Act 1961: Dual Admonostration PF and PPF failed The Master Plan (1989) developed policy to devolve rights of management to users Development of Charter and Operational Plan by consensus are requirement for hand-over
DFO is supposed to make sure consensus is reached However, the process is not followed and issues raised
The Change Process: Trusting People as Managers Moving from Resource Creation to Institution Building and Strengthening Focus on People Rather Than Trees Users as Managers and Forest Officials as Facilitators Secure Rights of Users To Manage Decision Making by Consensus
Outcome: The Forestry Officials are Reoriented Local Users Have Developed Ownership User Groups Managing 1.8 Million Hectare of Forest Greenery is Back and Forest Destruction is halted Community Development Activities Initiated FECOFUN is Created
1.4 Statement of the Problem Forestry in Nepal has been a playing field for rulers, politicians and bureaucrats. Community forestry as a priority program 61% of forest is supposed to be turned into community forests The forest bureaucracy backtracking with introduction of OFMP and CFM
The Local Government Agencies (LGAS) are empowered by Law The LGAs have rights to manage fallow land, raise taxes and develop plans for resources management The Forest Department and the LGAs are allying against users with provision of DFCC and allocation of 20% revenue
2. Analytical Framework 2.1 Deconcentration, Decentralization and Devolution Debate 2.2 Collective Action for Property Rights 2.3 Institutional Characteristics or Factors
3. Description of Initiative Undertaken by FECOFUN: 3.1 Is There a Fish in the Bowl? 3.2 Did Pictures Speak? 3.3 What is the Goal? 3.4 Are User Groups Rooted Enough? 3.5 Are Stems Strong Enough? 3.6 What Fruits User Groups Require?
Perpetual Rights over Resources Integrated Resources Management Good Governance Consensus Participatory Democracy Social Justice Accountability
Transparency Accountability/Responsiveness Gender/Equity Power Balance Learning Organization
4. Analysis and Discussion 4.1 Actors and Their Playing Field: Forest Bureaucracy, Local Government Agencies and FECOFUN Deconcentration, Decentralization, and Devolution operational side by side The Donors are under pressure to follow the Government
FECOFUN needs to improve its strength by improving effectiveness and efficiency of user groups. The proper process of user group formation FECOFUN played critical role in the recent movement 2006 by announcing itself with the democratic forces However, they are paying the price
5. The Lessons Learned: Resource Management Requires Active Participation by Users Elites and Powerful Withheld Information from People to Control Them User Group Formation Process with Consensus is a Time Consuming Process Some Bureaucrats Can Change but Most of Them are Hard Nuts to Crack
6. Conclusions and Recommendations The state itself is creating confusion by creating contending forces through decentralization CF is Looked Upon as Models of the Participatory Democracy Users need to practice consensus in their decision making process and good governance
FECOFUN needs to promote governance in their structures to bolster their credibility as a lobbying organization FECOFUN needs to develop a process which can address issues of governance in the user groups
What’s There for Us Your Support for CF is also Support for the Participatory Democracy So-Called Experts are Trying to Destroy CF from Nepal, Please Help Us. Nepal can Come Out of Poverty only by Managing Its Own Resources, Help Us in This. We do not Want to be a Beggar Nation. CF will Lead Us to Democratic Republic, Please Stop Exploitative Forces to Undermine Our Aspiration of Being a Democratic Republic.
Namaskar!! Please Let’s Develop Our Own Model of Democratic Republic Based on The Learning from CF Let’s also Enjoy Freedom You Have been Enjoying Please Help Us Thank You Very Much