Your School Environment An Ounce of Prevention Maryann Suero Ph.D. US Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health April 6, 2002
A Healthy School Environment is NECESSARY POSSIBLE
School EMS: The “Ounce of Prevention” Approach What is a School EMS? What are the benefits of a school EMS? What would an EMS for my school look like? How can my school adopt an EMS?
What is a School Environmental Management System? A way to assess and continually improve the environment Not a SCARY Process Work in a stepwise fashion to address a school environment in an integrated and comprehensive way
Basic EMS Approach to Continual Improvement DO PLAN CHECK ACT
Some Benefits of a School EMS Reduce HAZARDS to students, teachers, staff, visitors in schools Reduce Liability (reduce insurance costs???) Increase Environmental Stewardship Improve Communications Improve Relationships Parents / Administration Teachers / Administration
What Might a School EMS Look Like? NOT ALL AT ONCE Develop an environmental policy Self-audit Use a pollution prevention approach Training / awareness / competence On-going evaluation / improvement Improve communications One step at a time!!!!!
Some Elements to Consider in the Self-Audit Indoor Air Quality Use of Pesticides (inside & outside) Presence of Hazardous Chemicals In classrooms In janitor’s closets, boiler rooms, garages Fire prevention Food safety Radon Spills / Emergency Response plans Diesel bus idling policy Pollution Prevention / Waste Management
Helpful Hints for Building a School EMS Use Team Approach Pace Yourself Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel Make use of existing resources IAQ Tools for Schools Program School IPM Program Food Safety Program Waste Wise Program Go with your strengths
How Can My School Adopt an EMS? Identify people who sense the need Educate yourselves (great resources available) Figure out who else needs to be involved Convince, cajole, coerce them to join Just Do It !
Resources for Schools Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Integrated Pest Management Mercury Resources for Schools (handout)
EPA Resources on CEH Tips to Protect Children from Environmental Threats ( Engage Youth in Children's Environmental Health Protection (
A Healthy School = A Healthy You
Please feel free to contact me for more information, or to suggest ways we may be able to partner in activities that will have a positive impact on children’s health Maryann Suero Regional Team Manager, Children’s Health US Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 77 W. Jackson Blvd, T-13J Chicago, IL (312)