Quantum Robot Analysis and entanglement
Classic Braitenberg FearAggression
Programmable Braitenberg H A B PQ A = Left Light Sensor B = Right Light Sensor P = Motor for Left Wheel Q = Motor for Right Wheel Circuit Implemented by Program Ultrasonic Sensor Sound/Touch Sensor
Selected Circuits A B Q P A B Q P A B Q P A B Q P A B Q P Direct ConnectionSwap Gate Feynman Gate Feynman+SwapEinstein-Podolsky-RosenAnd-OR Gates Identity Matrix √ A B Q P H
Representing Gates via Matrices ABPQBehavior 0000Robot stays stationary. 0101Robot moves left. 1011Robot moves forward. 1110Robot moves right. Input Output
Using Binary Gates ABPQBehavior 0000Robot stays stationary. 0101Robot moves left Robot moves forward. A B Q P Feynman Gate A B Q P And-OR Gates ABPQBehavior 0000Robot stays stationary. 0101Robot moves left. 1011Robot moves forward. 1110Robot moves right. This behavior is deterministic because it can be determined how the robot will react to a given input.
Using Quantum Gates APBehavior 0½ 0 ½ 1 Motor stops or moves. 1½ 0 ½ 1 Motor stops or moves. A P Hadamard H X = Which in Dirac Notation is, Which after Measurement means, ½ probability of ‘0’ & ½ probability of ‘1’ HadamardInput A=0Output
Entanglement Example A B Q P H
Entanglement Example – Step 1 ABPQBehavior Robot stays stationary. Or, moves tight Robot moves left. Or, moves forward Robot stays stationary. Or, moves tight Robot moves left. Or, moves forward A B Q P Hadamard in parallel with wire H A P H APBehavior 0½ 0 ½ 1 Motor stops or moves. 1½ 0 ½ 1 Motor stops or moves. Hadamard A P APBehavior 00Stopped 11Moving Wire 1 √2 =
Entanglement Example – Step 2 ABPQBehavior 00½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 Stationary or moves forward. 01½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 Turns left or turns right. 10½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 ½ 1 Stationary or moves forward. 11½ 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 Turns left or turns right. A B Q P Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen √2 H A B Q P Feynman Gate ABPQBehavior 0000Robot stays stationary. 0101Robot moves left. 1011Robot moves forward. 1110Robot moves right √2 X =
Putting it together H A B PQ AB False True False True Selected Combination PQ False True False True 1 √2 1 Vector ‘I’ Vector ‘O’ Matrix ‘M’ O = M * I Measurement Either the robot will turn left or turn right with equal probability.
Another example of entanglement H A B PQ AB False True False True Selected Combination PQ False True False True 1 √2 1 Vector of inputs in a room with no light Vector ‘O’ Matrix ‘M’ O = M * I Measurement Either the robot will go forward or stop with equal probability. This robot will never turn left or right although is still probabilistic. This is demonstration of entanglement. Will never detonate a bomb.
Next: Quantum Automaton Robot