Materials Research & Development in Korea November, 2003 Kyung-mox Cho R&D Program Director Materials and Chemistry Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)
Vision & Goals Competitive levels with those of the world leading countries by mobilizing resources, expanding infrastructure, and improving relevant laws and regulations Phase I (by 2005) Stand out as a major R&D promoting country in the Asia-Pacific region, actively engaging in scientific studies and creating a new atmosphere conducive to the promotion of R&D Secure a scientific and technological competitiveness in selected areas comparable to those of advanced countries Phase II (by 2015) Phase III (by 2025) Economic Contribution Better Quality of Life National Prestige and Security National Goals of S&T Development Strategic Development of Future Promising Technologies by Securing Capabilities in Key Technologies Enhancing Basic Science and Infrastructure Technologies - enter rank 10th in Basic Science area by 2002 Rapid Foundation of S&T Infrastructure Development of Future Oriented and Emerging Technologies Concentrating on Selected Areas Nurturing Excellent Laboratories and Research Leaders S&T Globalization and Infrastructure Build-up Goals of National R&D's Goals of National R&D by MOST Vision 2025 Goals
Organizations National S&T Planning National R&D Programs Coordinating Funding Agency Managing R&D Programs Roles of KISTEP Ministries National S&T Council (NSTC) National S&T Council (NSTC) PresidentPresident Prime Minister Presidential Council on S&T Research Societies (GRIs) Science & Technology (MOST) Science & Technology (MOST) Commerce, Ind. & Energy (MOCIE) Commerce, Ind. & Energy (MOCIE) Defense (MOD) Defense (MOD) Other Ministries (12) Other Ministries (12) Education (MOE) Education (MOE) KISTEP ITEP KOSEF Funding University R&D Nurturing Scientists and Engineers ITEP Support Industry Technology Devlop. Evaluation & Analysis of Tech. Policies Diffusion & Nursing Technology MOE(KRF) Funding University R&D (Basic Science) Education & Research
Investment (FY 2002) KOREA : U$15B (~3% of GDP) Government R&D Budget : U$4B (~5% of total Gov. Budget) Materials R&D : ~5% of Government R&D Budget No. of Researcher : ~150,000 MOSTMOEOPMMODMOCIE SMBA Infra Structure Build-Up Applied R&D Basic Research National Institute R&D (Unit:100mil ₩ ) Ceramics 32 (20.9%) Measurement & Analysis 12(8.2%) Others 20 (13.1%) Communication & Electronic Materials 13(8.8%) Polymers 27 (18.1%) Metals 47(30.9%)
National R&D Programs MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) - 21C Frontier Program (22 centers) : 2 materials centers -CAMP, CNMT - Strategic National R&D Program : Nano R&D program - National Research Laboratory (NRL) (450) : ~35 materials NRL - Creative Research Initiatives (65) : 2 materials teams - Others : R&D Infra, International Cooperation, Nurturing Researchers etc. - SRC(29)/ERC(40)/RRC(53) : university R&D center for excellence Materials: 5 ERC, 5RRC - Basic S&T Research Programs MOCIE (Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy) - Industrial Technology Development Program - Component Parts and Materials Technology Development Program - Others: TP, TIC, TBI etc MOE (Ministry of Education) : BK21 MOD (Ministry of Defense) : (ADD-Agency for Defense Development)
Research Institutes Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) the first government support R&D institute Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) emphasis on structural materials, metals, ceramics, composites Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT) polymer, chemical materials Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (KITECH) emphasis on industrial technology development, casting, welding etc. Agency for Defense Development (ADD) Universities : ~ 200 S&T research oriented Private Industry Research Institutes : Samsung, LG, POSCO, Hyundai – etc.
Appendix World Prominent Korean Technology Areas : Semi-conductor, electronics, automobile, steels, petro-chem, ship building etc. National Technology Road Map : drawn to identify specific target technology 5 goals, 15 policy directions, 49 strategic products/needs, 96 core technologies New Program for the next generation of knowledge based economy 10 industrial groups : semiconductor, display, robot, automobile, digital contents, digital TV/broadcasting, mobile communication, home-network, fuel cell, Bio-tech Remarks - Development of future oriented emerging Technologies o 21C Frontier: o Strategic Nano-Tech. : 4 core+ 9 main(75projects), basic(45projects) materials, devices, processing, characterization. Bio-nano etc. - Excellent research leaders and laboratories o NRL: o Creative: