Pam Baxter Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research Updated membership pages of website. Working with Suzette Giles, Membership Chair, to improve content, with an eye to making IASSIST membership more attractive.
Paul Bern Office of Population Research, Princeton University Provided early vision for the new website by drafting a proposed site map for the team’s loosely defined ideas. Paul is developing an on-line searchable database for the publications section, including IQ articles and conference papers. Buster
Sandra Cannon Economic Information Management, Federal Reserve Board San polled IASSIST members over the list for suggestions for important web links. She then annotated and arranged the new external links section by category.
Lu Chou Data and Program Library Service University of Wisconsin-Madison Seen here in Quebec City with her husband, Lu trolled through disparate websites collecting conference paper citations which she input to a database for online searching.
Repke DeVries Digital Library Coordination National Library of the Netherlands Repke, along with IQ Editor Karsten Rasmussen, provided early inspiration for the web team through the findings of their IASSIST membership poll (presented at last year’s Amsterdam conference). He also helped provide solutions for presenting the IQ over the Web.
Ann Green Social Science Research Services, Yale University As IASSIST President, Ann paid close attention to the list discussions and offered numerous sensible suggestions for web page creators. She also re-wrote the text for the About IASSIST page.
Walter Giesbrecht York University, Toronto Walter - seen here with CAPDU buddies (far right), designed the style of the website and set up a test site. He also worked tirelessly with individual page authors and files to make sure everything fit together cohesively.
Charles Humphrey Data Library, University of Alberta Chuck (right) has been the IASSIST web-master “from the beginning.” So not only has he given us free reign to completely change everything (!) but he will continue to be the keeper of the files, and provide server space for our domain name.
Ron Jantz Scholarly Communication Center, Rutgers University Set up the first prototype for the How-to’s in the Tools & Training section. Ron has set library students to work collecting links to Resource Guides for datasets and categorising them in a database for searching and browsing.
Stuart Macdonald Edinburgh University Data Library Stuart created the Tables of Contents web pages for the IQ, with input from the Publications Committee. He also worked with the PDF versions created by Walter Piovesan to create article-level files to view. At the n th hour, Stuart drafted an interactive form for feedback from members and others.
Ron Nakao Social Sciences Data Services, Stanford University Ron has been interested in developing some sort of knowledge base by & for IASSIST members. This is likely to emerge as a set of job postings and conference listings from the discussion list as part of the Tools & Training section. Suggestions, as always, are welcomed.
Carol Perry University of Guelph Library Carol designed several logos for the group’s consideration, eventually settling on a revised version of the 1999 Toronto conference logo. She also designed the home page, which provided inspiration to the group to fill in the rest of the site!
Robin Rice Edinburgh University Data Library As co-ordinator of the group, Robin didn’t actually contribute any web pages at all! She set up the Yahoo egroup site, to facilitate tracking of discussions and work. Kept the ball rolling through on- and off-list discussion.
And so, without further ado June, 2002