Waypoints A Digital Archive of U.S. Coast Guard History Final Project Showcase Ken Langford
U.S. Coast Guard Historical Archive Maintained by U.S. Coast Guard historians office in Washington, D.C. Donated materials from donors/donor groups; materials collected by USCG historians Size of collection ~200K artifacts (depends on who you ask)
Diverse Collection of Artifacts Physical artifacts (e.g., lighthouse lenses, artistic works) Historical files (e.g., case documents of the Titanic sinking) Photographic images
Current Storage Solution
Current Access Method (paper)
Current Access Method (digital)
The Solution: Waypoints Administrative interface Capture information on artifacts in a structured, consistent way Add U.S. Coast Guard-specific metadata to enhance search/retrieval Public interface Access entire collection online Promote exploration of underutilized (public) materials
Lessons Learned Iterative development processes are the key to superior systems design.