OSU Dual Summit BILLING & MONEY MATTERS May 3, 2005 George Windom, Business Affairs Emilio Vejil, Financial Aid & Scholarships
Does Money Matter? Checklist of institutional decisions Policy and calendar issues Billing Disbursements Collections Consumer information Agree on Common Definitions
Institutional Decisions Memo of Understanding Participants Setup options Financial agreements Sharing information (FERPA)
Policy Considerations Residency requirements for tuition rates Tuition refunds Late fees/Interest Holds – registration & transcripts
Variations on a Theme Concurrent enrollment Partner schools Joint program
Calendar Considerations Financial Aid disbursement Billing cycle Payment due dates Refund schedule
Institutional Decisions How to designate student as dual enrolled? unique identifier campus code rate code memo in comment field one-time or updated by term
Institutional Decisions Will students be eligible for “fee-based” services? (i.e. Health Center, Rec Center) always if they’re enrolled if they pay
Billing Issues Joint bill or individualized? clarity for students note of dual enrolled on statement managing the student account address updates
Billing Issues Individual statements because: tuition rates accounting (A/R v. Revenue) reconciliation (due to/due from)
Financial Aid Disbursements Timing Credit hour eligibility –OFAX, RYAINFO Parameters in refund process
Collections Continuing student? Registration/transcript holds Coordinate balance due
To Exit or Not to Exit NSLDS, OFAX, RYAINFO Run loan records against registration info Getting credit hour info slow and manual to populate
Training Operational Other institution’s policies Contacts and references Students (have to manage two sets of rules)
Consumer Information Institutions are required to provide consumer information, such as: What students will be charged How and when the charges will occur Options for payment If they receive financial aid, when and how they will receive the proceeds Financial Aid requirements (i.e. sign promissory notes, level of enrollment)
Common Business Sense Money flow Information sources Transaction integrity Internal controls Customer service
Examples Student attending at OFAX participating schools, half-time each (F/A and Billing seamless) Student Full-time at other non-OFAX school (F/A doesn’t have info)
Dual Enrollment Summit Money Matters ?’s Thank you