Extreme Weather Installing and Exploring Weather Applications on Google Earth iLearn Science Session 2
Focusing Questions What are Weather Applications for Google Earth? How can I download, install, and use Weather Apps with Google Earth?
Framing The Session In this session, we will >Download Weather Apps from Google Earth >Install them >Explore their functions
Teaching Open Google Earth Find your Places Task Pane Find your My Places folder Select it and: >select Add from Menu Bar >select Folder from menu options >name it Weather Apps
Downloading from the Resource List On your resource list, locate and find the first URL Google Weather Apps Click on the first URL which will take you to the Google Earth Blog This is where we will be downloading the Weather Apps we will be working with today
Google Earth Blog Click on the hyperlink in the middle of the paragraph entitled “weather and tracking tools network link” It will automatically be downloaded into the Temporary Files section on PC’s Mac’s will download the file to the desktop
Moving the Files Mac users will need to make Google Earth smaller so you can see your desktop. Grab the downloaded file gebweather.kml and drag and drop it onto the EARTH in Google Earth. Now both the PC and Mac users should have the Weather Apps in their Temporary Places Folder
Moving to My Places Two Options: Drag and drop them into your Weather Apps folder. Close Google Earth and it will ask you if you want to save them to your My Places folder. (Say yes.)
Trying It Out Once you have moved the files into your Weather Apps folder, turn them off. One by one, turn them on and see how they interact with Google Earth.
Guided Practice
Follow the directions that we just went over and create a folder in your “My Places” task pane Once you have created the folder, name it “Weather Apps”
Work Time
Download the first two Weather Apps from the hyperlinks on the resource list Install the Apps and put them in your Weather Apps folder Manipulate and Explore each application in the packet Think of Ideas of how to use them in your science class Add your ideas and thoughts of how to use these in your classroom into the word template you started in Lesson 6.1 Add more Weather Apps from the list if time permits!
Today we learned how to download and install Google Earth Weather Applications. You had time to manipulate and explore the different Apps in this packet. Now, how can you see using them in your class? Share
ToolUse Share Idea List
How does this lesson relate to our focusing questions? Answers
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