From Data to Information: Linking Institutional Research Data to Student Activities MPA/ Capstone Project Spring 2008 Presented by: Amadou Ba “I coordinate the Evergreen Queer Alliance, and that has also taught me a lot in terms of running a club and facilitating meeting and working with people… that’s definitely brought out a lot of my need to be assertive and leadership skills.” ( Transfer Student Project respondent )
____________Methodology__________ Evergreen Institutional Research and Assessment National Survey for Student Engagement (NSSE) Evergreen New Student Survey (ENSS) Evergreen Student Experience Survey (ESES) Enrollment Statistics Student Activities Student groups ( Child Care Center, SESAME, Evergreen Bike Shop, KAOS, CPJ, Chemistry Club, Umoja, MeCHA, Queer Alliance…..)
_____________Findings_________________ Evergreen Students' participation in Co-curricular activities Support students need to thrive socially Cope with non-academic responsibilities
Utilization of the Child Care Services
How do Evergreen students studying on the Olympia campus commute?
Demographics Do you identify as a minority in terms of sexual or gender orientation? How do you identify racially/ethnically? Patterns Associated with Race, Ethnicity, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
__Limitation/ Future Research__ Addressing specific questions Student coordinators have a vague idea about IR and what the office can provide Some questions are out of the IR research scope Tacoma campus data Student groups research