Leadership and Competence for Success Programme 2.0 青雲路領袖培訓計劃 2.0
SAO has scheduled 5 LCSP training camps in May-Jun & Aug, offering more than 200 training places.
Format: - 7-day-6-night residential camp - Pre- and Post-camp meetings - Learning Journal - Self-initiated Community Service Project
Application period : 23 Mar- 24 Apr 09 For details and camp schedule:
The training aims to help you to: become a good leader enhance self-confidence and self-understanding to face adversity with a positive attitude
The training aims to help you to: learn to co-operate effectively developing harmonious relationships with others show care and concern to the people in need
Learning Activities
"Finally I understand what a leader means and the way to be a real leader." "Through the training I understand who I am and what I can do. I am also equipped with leadership skills." 「使我有自信去嘗試,相信不斷積累 經驗會引領到我走向成功,成為領 袖。」 「學習到成為一個領袖應有的特點和技能,對 我個人的發展真的很有幫助。」 Students’ Feedback from LCSP camps in Winter 08/09:
Enquiries: Tel: / 6800 Website: