SUNYConnect – Shared System, Shared Resources, Shared Collection Presented by Carey Hatch
SUNYConnect – Major Components Campus implementation of new library management system (Aleph 500) Union Catalog – to allow remote patron circulation (bib prototype available) Delivery system – Nylink’s LAND service
SUNYConnect – Major Components Electronic Resources –Gale Onefile, Literature Resource Center, Opposing Viewpoints –FirstSearch –ScienceDirect – in renewal negotiation Storage facility to handle over crowding
SUNYConnect –Current environment and discussions Library budgets are being cut The Provost has asked us to reduce duplication Our union catalog will show the extent of our duplication Aleph will allow cross campus access in all modules –Binghamton and Fredonia will be doing shared cataloging
SUNYConnect –Current environment and discussions The colleges are experimenting with guaranteed delivery through FirstSearch and Iliad ScienceDirect – is raising questions about duplication of print –Is a SUNY collection possible? The operation of a storage facility will cost significant dollars – can we reduce duplication of existing resources to eliminate the need for storage
SUNYConnect – Current environment and discussions If the State University System were being built today – how would we build library collections and provide service?