A Guide for Sponsored Programs
One Stop Shop for Personnel and Payroll Assist from Benefits Coordinator in HR Authorized Designee Most employment forms now signed in Office of Sponsored Programs Convenient for PI/PDs or employees with questions!
Research Foundation (RF) is employer Affirmative Action polices SUNY Fredonia & RF Jobs 1/2-time+ require affirmative action search unless named in proposal Campus Hiring Policies OSP website for forms and links.
OSP Services I-9s, tax withholding forms, and ID verification Appointment letters Orientation to RF Direct deposit Employee Assignment Forms
Research Foundation Handbook Revised October 2008 Hard copies available Available on-line for printing on RF Website
Employee evaluations Advisable annually Job descriptions Responsibilities and duties Progressive discipline process
Contact is Cathe Kilpatrick Cycle is bi-weekly, Fridays Hourly employees have 2- week lag; salaried employees have no lag. Direct Deposit is available and recommended.
All employees report work time Hourly do timesheets Salaried do exception reports Signed by supervisor Coordinated in SUNY Fredonia HR offices
New form and documentation required for other than across- the-board increases Must align with campus RF Salary plan Approved by Kevin Kearns, OM PIs/PDs increases require Dean’s signature
½ time or more Comparable to SUNY Benefits Coordinator in SUNY HR RF Benefits Handbook
½ time or more accrue Sick, vacation, personal Coordinated in SUNY Fredonia HR offices Detailed in RF Benefits Handbook
May run through Research Foundation, helping with tax burden! Accountability Social Security charged so credited for retirement
Personnel and Payroll Forms and Instructions Updated to reflect campus operations and processes Available on-line on OSP website OSP staff always ready to assist in completing forms