Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC 20061 Overview Of Geant4 Medical Activities At Hampton UniversityJefferson Lab Hampton University - Hampton,


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Overview Of Geant4 Medical Activities At Hampton UniversityJefferson Lab Hampton University - Hampton, VA Jefferson Lab - Newport News, VA  Source Uniformity  3D In-vivo Measurements  Energy Dependence  TeraWatt Lasers  Electromagnetic Physics  Other Research (p-therapy …)

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Beta Detector (Coll: NIST, Varian) → Uniformity/non-uniformity of sources → Absolute calibration of Brachytherapy sources → Removed transfer: films ↔ ionization chambers → Accuracy better than 100 μm (possibly: 50 μm) PhD Thesis: Lawrence Tynes Sr/Y-90 Deconvolve Physics Processes Before After Preliminary Data: 03/07/06

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC GESiB (Coll: MGH, Laval, McGill, Varian) Uniformity/non uniformity Of Brachytherapy Sources P-32: Φ=0.21 mm x L=20 mm Cylinders: number=100,wall =0.2 mm AAPM: TG43/60, Dose surface & 2 mm IAEA: %deviation from average (Req: <20%) PhD Thesis: Nnenna Onumah z y Air Bubbles:  m Medical Physics Parameters Dose Rate Anisotropic Function Radial Dose Function Monte Carlo Codes General Particle Source (GPS) Gaussian/Fermi/… Distributions Density (water/air  m layer) Results for 80  m 5% effect on all parameters GPS/G (dE/dx): up to a factor of 2 modifications in all parameters Patient density (dE/dx): 10% (up to ~0.5 mm) - preliminary

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC In-vivo Dose Measurements (Coll : DePaul Hospital, Varian ) Z Dependence XY Dependence XYZ Dependence → Real Time Measurements → Position, dose distribution → Treatment Plans: Verification, Adjustments PhD Thesis: Carlos Velasco Data: 03/07/06

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Active Mammosite (Coll: Proxima Therapeutics, dePaul Hospital) → Real time measurements → A bsolute position (≤ ±1 mm) → Absolute dose distribution BSc (MSU): Jacquelyn Winston BSc (HU): Thomas Cudjoe Data: 03/07/06 HDR Source

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Mono Energetic Brachytherapy Sources (Coll: Jefferson Lab, EVMS, ODU) → Energy dependence of cancer cells Master Thesis: Ariano Munden (qualitative) PhD Thesis: Rachel Black (high energy) PhD Thesis: Yuriy Prilepskiy (low energy) Dipole Breast cancer cells Collimator & source ( Sr-90) MeV 1-2 MeV New Data Sets: 03/07/06 AIP (2006 APS): Newsletter/Nature/Science

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Advanced Laser Light Source Ultrafast & Interface Biology/Medecine Varennes, Canada Dynamic of biological processes Radiation safety (monitoring program) Charged beams characterization Medical Applications 10 Hz, 300 mJ, 25 fs 100 Hz, 100 mJ, 25 fs

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Electromagnetic Physics In Geant4 Experimental cross sections  JLab, NIST: 20 eV to 60 MeV  Unpolarized & Polarized Data  JLab Mott polarimeter runs Period: Kinematics: 100 keV & 5 MeV – 173 o Targets: Au, Cu, Al  New scattering chamber Fall 2006, angular distribution New detectors PhD Thesis: Michael Epps Theoretical understanding Coulomb corrections University of Basel & INFN Results by Summer Pb(e,e’) - E = 100 MeV ~40% effect!

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC Other Research Proton therapy New HU Center –Construction: summer 2006 –First beam: ~2009 –Collaboration with MGH, Saclay & Orsay –Shielding calculation with Geant4 Postdoc: Vahagn Nazaryan Polarized beams in cancer treatments Jefferson Lab electron beam DePaul Linac for electron and photon beams PhD Thesis: Nanda Karthik Kaon therapy PhD Thesis: Solomon Sahle Convolution product & Lyapunov stability (Switzerland/France/Italy/Armenia) –Nuclear Physics form factors (validation) –Implementation in medical physics BS: Leslie Upton p K+K+ π+π+ Preliminary Same depth = 28.5 cm Medium = water

Dr. Paul Gueye Hampton University G4NAMU - SLAC ! Questions !