Reflecting on Service The Resource Center and The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.


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Presentation transcript:

Reflecting on Service The Resource Center and The National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

A few words to reflect on Experience is not what happens to people; it is what people do with what happened to them. - Aldous Huxley (with liberties)

A few words to reflect on We do not learn from doing, we learn from thinking about what we do. - Northwest Service Academy

Why reflect? Gives meaning to the experience Relieves tension & re-energizes Sense of accomplishment Integrates service into one's life Reality check Acknowledges gained skills

Research shows Reflection has some positive impact on volunteers The lack of reflection has a strong NEGATIVE impact

Three stages of reflection Pre-service During service Post-service

Three stages of reflection Pre-service:  examine own beliefs, assumptions, attitudes

Three stages of reflection During service:  learn from peers  share observations and feedback  ask questions  solve problems

Three stages of reflection Post-service:  evaluate impact of service  acknowledge personal growth

Reflection may include Reactions Feelings Observations Ideas

Reflection can happen through Writing Speaking Listening Reading Drawing Acting

Reflection should: Have an outcome in mind Be appropriate for the group Happen before, during, and after service Be directly linked to the project experience

Reflection should: Dispel stereotypes Address negative experiences Increase awareness of community needs Increase commitment to service

Reflection should: Be varied for different learning styles Actively involve the service recipients Be facilitated well for maximum participation, creativity, and learning

Resources Service Reflection Toolkit Northwest Service Academy nwtoolkit.pdf nwtoolkit.pdf (490Kb PDF) Connecting Thinking and Action: Ideas for Service-Learning Reflection RMC Research Corporation (1.1Mb PDF)

Feedback National Service-Learning Clearinghouse Phone: SERV (7378) Website: The Resource Center Phone: x100 Website: