Enhancing student mobility in a digital world : Sharing experiences in an enlarged Europe SUMIT SEMINAR 11 & 12 October 2007
Facts about Paris students enrolled as of september 2006 among which international students (free- movers) students enrolled as of september 2006 among which international students (free- movers) undergraduates (Licence) graduate (Master) doctoral (Doctorat) in different fields : Languages, Literature, Arts and Modern Societies
International cooperation 220 university partners, 130 of which european220 university partners, 130 of which european exchange students1 000 exchange students 700 incoming & 300 outgoing 540 Erasmus students 460 non European students 200 PhD in joint supervision by 2 university partners
Erasmus Student Network Survey 2006 Key results Students’motivation :Students’motivation : to have new experiences and to practise a foreign language (80%) to be independent, to improve academic knowledge and to enhance future employment perspectives (20%)
Three main issues Recognition Provision of information Financial issues
Recommendations Universities should improve the quality of providing information, both for outgoing and incoming students, before, during and after the period of mobility.
Students helping students In case of problems, students most often asked for helpIn case of problems, students most often asked for help other exchange students local students international relation officers coordinators student organisations & student unions
Online reports & blogs This project was developed in partnership with the Department of Communication
WHAT IS BLOG ? DEFINITION OF BLOGDEFINITION OF BLOG A website for finding and exchanging information on a wide variety of topics and for locating groups and people with common interests.
Student to student information The interactive blog is meant to provide authentic student’s experience at host institution : « reading from someone who has been there and has done it is really useful » Students appreciate the honesty in personal perspectives, pratical advices, helpful financial, academic and cultural information. « It is a great resource extemely helpful »
A real taste of international student life « May be you will want a job while you are here ! »« May be you will want a job while you are here ! » « There are lots of jobs and they’re pretty fun. »« There are lots of jobs and they’re pretty fun. » « I work in a coffee shop. It is really nice there »« I work in a coffee shop. It is really nice there » « The course is examined by two short essays (1 500 words), worth 25% each, and a final exam 50% ».« The course is examined by two short essays (1 500 words), worth 25% each, and a final exam 50% ».
Easy and free francais.erasmusblog.comfrancais.erasmusblog.com MON-NOM.erasmusblog.com MON-NOM.erasmusblog.com overblog-comoverblog-com
An another tool online Perspective :Perspective : Students will be able to search the blog country by country, university or discipline online.Students will be able to search the blog country by country, university or discipline online. You have to encourage prospective students to post comments and ask questions.