Today’s Checklist Stand Your Ground intro Core themes Reflection questions Chapter One Finish rough draft of character analysis
1. A sense of belonging Developing a sense of identity, relationships and processes of acceptance and understanding are all issues that arise within this text. The main characters are striving to feel that they belong, both to their environment and to the people in their lives.
2. The power to change your life: Issues of morality, values and living life with principles emerge in all three works. The main characters are tested constantly, struggling with their own conflicts. However, what we can learn from the protagonists is that doing what is right, not necessarily what is easy, is the best course of action.
3. Learning from your elders: Main characters have older role models to help guide their choices and lead them to make good choices. These elders teach them life lessons, help develop their morality and become central to their growth as a character.
Your own core themes Core Themes A sense of belonging RND The power to change your life Choosing a career path Learning from your elders Parents, grandparents, closest friends
Our School Community What advice would you give to a new member of our school community? Complete and compare your advice with a partner! Do you have anything in common to share?
Rachel Delevoryas Listen to “Rachel Delevoryas”Rachel Delevoryas Determine the most important points from this song Collect important points from two other people Synthesize the important points into one summary What do you think was important in the lyrics of this song? What did others think was important in the lyrics of this song? Synthesize!
Exit Card If you could give one piece of advice to your grandchildren, what would it be? Take your time!