Roy Orbison Roy Orbison was a great singer and composer from North America. Despite being one of the pioneers of rock roll, and having songs with influences like gospel and country, he was recognized for his songs of lost loves.
The song “Pretty Woman” was a soundtrack to a remarkable film from the 90s, and today it is recognized by all people.
“Pretty woman, walking down the street” PRESENT CONTINUOUS Subject + verb TO BE + Main Verb + ing + Complement Eg.: She is walking. *An action that happens at the moment of speech;
This period was extremely important to the history of the twentieth century from the point of view of political and social events: it is eventually regarded as the end of the industrial age and the beginning of the information age, being called by many as the lost decade for Latin America.
Woman.jpg _0418a6a983.jpg r- 9xI/AAAAAAAAAKk/VmFwF0vxEfU/s400/RE VOLU%C3%87%C3%83O+INDUSTRIAL.jpg _1980
Flora Bergamini Jennifer Munaretto Maiara Lima Mayara Stephanie