Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:1 Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing Class 21,22: Energy Aspects Prof. S. M. Pandit
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:2 Agenda Environmental Burden: Energy Energy and industry Energy and automobile General approach to minimizing energy use
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:3 Environmental Burden: Ranking Consumer Consumer Scientific Government perception perception (LCA) policy (Netherlands) Energy consumption Water/recycling Materials use Packaging Sustainability 5 6 N/A 1 Production processes Source: A. Stevels, Stanford Ecodesign short course, 1999
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:4 Incentives The three incentives to encourage efficiency and renewable energy are: Avoided emissions Conservation and renewable energy reserve The reduced utilization provision Source: EPA
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:5 Energy and Emission
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:6 Energy and Emission (cont.)
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:7 Energy and Industrial Ecology Tracking energy flows and transformation is a fundamental approach of industrial ecology Energy accounting is essential for identifying and assessing environmental consequences of industrial activities.
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:8 Environmental Performance: Energy Quality of energy used per year or per unit of product Quality of energy used per service or per customer Quality of each type of energy used Quality of energy units saved due to energy conservation Source: International Organization for standardization, Annexes Testing committee.(1996)
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:9 Energy Use in Industries Source: U.S. DOE (1990)
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:10 Gaseous Species Emitted by Energy Generation Processes
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:11 Energy Use in the Production of Aluminum Cans
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:12 Energy Use for the Production of Metals
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:13 Analyzing Energy Use Schematic diagram of a metal processing system using only virgin materials is the fraction of output material from primary production.
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:14 Analyzing Energy Use (cont.) Schematic diagram of a metal processing system using both virgin materials and consumer scrap is the fraction of output material from primary production is the amount of the material entering the process in the ore is the amount of the material entering the process as consumer scrap
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:15 Life Cycle of a Typical Automobile
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:16 Energy Consumption for Automobile
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:17 Life Cycle Energy Use for Various Automobiles
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:18 Checklist for Energy Analysis For facility engineers Replace incandescent lighting with high-efficiency fluorescent lighting Install an automatic lighting control system Check boilers and furnaces for leaks Utilize cogenerated heat and electricity from within the facility or nearby Use waste heat Encourage good energy housekeeping
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:19 Checklist for Energy Analysis (Cont.) For Process designer Minimize the use of energy-intensive process steps Optimize the use of heat exchangers and similar devices to utilize otherwise wasted heat Use the maximum possible amount of recycled material Utilize energy management approaches and equipment Utilize energy variable speed motors and other automated load control
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:20 Distribution of Input Energy for a Midsize Automobile
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:21 Automobiles Energy Options Alternative carbon-based fuels Electric vehicles Hybrid-powered vehicles Fuel cell-powered vehicles
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:22 Schematic Diagram of a Fuel Cell Reference: P.M. Eisenberger, Basic Research Need for Vehicles of the Future
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:23 Fuel Cells - Why Direct conversion of chemical to electrical energy Environmental considerations: »Clean power source –Non toxic emissions –Efficient
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:24 Types of Fuel Cells Phosphoric acid Most commercially developed type of fuel cell -Generate electricity at more than 40% efficiency -Nearly 85% of steam this fuel cell produces is used for cogeneration (compared to 30% for the most efficient internal combustion engine)
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:25 Types of Fuel Cells - Phosphoric Acid Operating temperatures are in the range of 400 degrees F. These fuel cells also can be used in larger vehicles, such as buses and locomotives.
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:26 Types of Fuel Cells - Efficiencies A. Phosphoric Acid 40%400 F B. Proton Exchange200 F C. Molten Carbonate1200 F D. Solid Oxide60%1800 F E. Alkaline70% F. Others (i)Direct Methanol40%150 F (ii)Regenerative
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:27 Engine TypeWater Vapor/mileCarbon Dioxide/mile Gasoline Combustion0.39 lb.0.85 lb. Fuel Cell Running on Hydrogen from Gasoline0.32 lb.0.70 lb. Fuel Cell Running on Hydrogen from Methane0.25 lb.0.15 lb. Fuel Cell Running on Renewable Hydrogen0.25 lb.0.00 lb. Types of Fuel Cells - Emissions
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:28 General Approaches to Minimizing Energy Use Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning (HVAC) Lighting On-site energy generation Energy housekeeping
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:29 Energy Efficiency of Light Source
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:30 On-site Energy Generation
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:31 Energy Housekeeping Make the existing industrial situation more energy-efficient e.g. More efficiently design computer Improve heat-transfer efficiency Employ point-of-use fluid heaters
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:32 Strong pressure by the EU on national authorities to bring energy consumption down Planning difficulties to build new generating plants Opposition to nuclear energy Dependence on imports of fuel Declaration of energy consumption on products for sale e.g. refrigerators Reduction of stand-by energy, e.g. TVs,VCRs, computers Source: A. Stevels, Stanford Ecodesign short course, 1999 Energy Consumption in EU
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:33 Energy Consumption in Japan Targets Standard for standby power for all CE products=1 watt Energy reduction in operational modes 1/6 for TV, air conditioner 1/3 for refrigerator 1/2 for washing machine Source: A. Stevels, Stanford Ecodesign short course, 1999
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:34 New Energy Technologies Solar power, photovoltaics Pulsed combustion Waste pyrolysis systems Waste to energy conversion Gasification and wet thermal oxidation
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:35 Homework #7 1. Give a chart showing the performance hierarchy of recycling options 2. Discuss the primary considerations in recycling economics. 3. Graphically illustrate the cost benefits of recycling against the competition. 4.Discuss an example of successful reuse effort.
Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing (ME592) Date: April 26, 2000 Slide:36 Homework #7 5Compare the costs of new, reused and remanufactured product. What is needed to improve the status of reused product? How is it accomplished in your example given in #4. 6Discuss an example of successful remanufacture effort.