Slide 7.1 Topic 7 Helping an IDU seek education and treatment a) Providing information to IDUs and referring them to health and welfare groups b) Diverting IDUs from the Criminal Justice System
Slide 7.2 Where can you get information? Where can you store information?
Slide 7.3 When and where can you provide information to Injecting Drug Users?
Slide 7.4 Assessment Task Collecting, storing, and providing information to others
Slide 7.5 What is meant by diverting people from the criminal justice system?
Slide 7.6 It is not unusual for Police to divert people from the criminal justice system Police rarely have the time or resources to charge everyone they see break the law
Why divert? Slide 7.7 Police are busy - homicides, assaults, robbery of businesses and homes, stealing from people, etc. Some types of drug use can seem quite unimportant compared to these Some people consider some types of drug use not important It is expensive for the Police, courts, prisons, the government, and society Fines and imprisonment rarely helps the drug user address their drug use Imprisonment may further alienate the drug user from society and the agencies which may provide help Imprisonment may help the drug user develop friendships with more serious offenders and learn skills to undertake more serious offences
Slide 7.8 When can drug users be diverted from the criminal justice system? 1.Pre-Arrest 2.Pre-trial or pre-court 3.Pre-sentence 4.Post-sentence 5.During prison
Slide 7.9 People who are arrested should be offered a choice 1.between treatment and the usual criminal justice process to the type of treatment they receive