Facebook and Privacy: A Survey Facebook is a part of college life Information revelation is rampant Information revelation is dangerous Students are not ignorant of risks Question: Why do we do it?
A Social Network for College Students Profiles, friends, groups, and messaging Register with college , join network. Find and browse classmates, old friends Difference: Complete and accurate info
Everyone is doing it… At least 80% of undergrads are members Are grad students wiser? Why people join: Find classmates? Peer pressure? Voyeurism? Keeping tabs?
A Marketing Company’s Dream Name, , picture, AIM, interests, etc. Many 80%+ filled out, most 50%+ Phone #’s and addresses – why lower? Less than 30% use privacy controls
Dangers, Old and New University and employer monitoring Incriminating photos and “weak ties” Data mining, blackmail and privacy policy Stalking and identity theft Social phishing
Give us some credit… Students are mostly aware of privacy controls, policy, and openness of Facebook and dangers Survey: Students are concerned about privacy, don’t consider FB a threat
So Why Do We Do It? Students are comfortable with sharing Online identities are becoming common Transitional period: rules not established