Northern England Strategic Clinical Network Conference Celebrating the Northern Networks 15 th May 2015 Dr Nigel Rowell GP Primary Care Lead
Primary Care Team N Rowell – GP 1 Chair And Representation from Network Public Health Long term conditions leads GPs Pharmacy
A Busy 2015 Patient Centred Care Patient Activation Measures Northern CVD Leads Clinical Advisory Group Network Steering Group CVD Prevention Masterclass Engaging with the 13 CCGs AHSN project meetings
New ways of Working Webex
Why make AF our priority?
AF Project 3 strands 1.Encourage Pulse Checks 2.Encourage Anticoagulation 3.Encourage compliance with NICE guidance CG 180 over warfarin control and NOAC compliance
…To provide advice to CCGs.. Not all CCGs have a CV lead Long Term conditions lead Different priorities Alternative “ways in” 1.HealthWatch 2.Health and Wellbeing Boards 3.Patient Power 4.Stroke Association
NOAC Card Written by Dr Honey Thomas Distributed to GPs Wide uptake “Exportable”
Project Team Kate Mackay Nigel Rowell Alison Featherstone (AHSN/Pharma)
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Advice card for GPs Confusing area with contradictory discharge information Signed off by BSH Local sign off by CAG in June
Patient Activation Measures Joint project on CKD involving 1.Network Primary Care Lead/PH Lead 2.Public Health England 3.NHS England 4.Pilot site on S Tees
Outcomes Education sessions CCG / Practice engagement Stroke Admissions / Incidence Diabetes Prevention Hypertension – 2016!