PALM-3000 Budget and Schedule Update A. Bouchez, J. Roberts Team Meeting #10 1/8/2009
PALM Purpose of this meeting Explain recent changes in our budget. Present an updated schedule. Explain purpose of the Interim Project Review.
PALM Updated Budget Reduction in COO internal contribution from $700k to $300k per year. As a result, we’ve decided to take several cost-saving decisions: –Liquid cooling of racks postponed. –P3K integration at Palomar, after an extended testbed phase in Pasadena. –First light will slip ~2mo to October Still low on contingency in FY09. (10 %)
PALM FY09 effort distribution
PALM Schedule update Recent changes to schedule Had intended to build up software team to accelerate progress. Now accepting a schedule delay, redistributing tasks among current team. HODM has been further delayed, to mid-March at earliest (still not in critical path, but close). We have settled on a “testbed” model of subsystem integration. Caltech has requested an interim external review of the project, to evaluate the science case and gain confidence in cost predictions. Interim Project Review Probably a full-day review on the week of 16 February. Primarily a review of the science case and management plan. Shri would like us to present cost to completion for both NGS and LGS systems (including implementation of a new laser). Will provide PDR documentation as supporting technical materials (HOWFS, Electronics, Software, Optical Bench).