Monad: Microsoft’s Next Generation Command Shell Thomas Lee Chief Technologist QA plc
Agenda What is Monad? Where does it fit in? Having it your way Interaction style Security Admin levels Scripting styles Datatypes
Monad Next generation shell that is: As interactive and composable as BASH/KSH As programmatic as Perl/Ruby As production oriented as AS400 CL/VMS DCL Access data stores as easily as accessing filesystems
Roadmap ScenarioTodayTomorrow GUI Shell MMC MMC with snap-ins layered on Monad Command Shell CMDCMDSHCSHKSHMonad Command Scripting CMD scripting Monad COM Scripting WSH VBScript VBScript Jscript JscriptWSH VBScript VBScript Jscript Jscript Jscript (.NET) Monad
Monad: Have it Your Way!! Interaction Style Security Admin Level Script Style DataTypes GUIRestrictedOperatorText.Net CLIAllsigned Simple Scripter COMXML System Code Remote Signed Advanced Scripter.NETWMI/ADSI Unrestricted Sophisticated Scripter CmdsADO
Style GUI verses CLI verses Systems Programming
Style GUI Cmd VS
Security Restricted (Operator mode) Interactive only No scripts can be run AllSigned Every script must be signed by a trusted source RemoteSigned “Internet Zone” Scripts must be signed by a trusted source Unrestricted Any script will run Always warn about Remote Scripts
Supporting Your Security Needs Demo
Admin Levels Operators Command line only Simple Scripter Simple sequences Untyped variables Functions with unnamed parameters Advanced Scripter Typed variables Functions with named, typed parameters Sophisticated Scripter Scoped variables Functions with initialized parameters Function cmdlets Scriptblocks
Supporting Your Admin Levels Demo
Script Type Text.Net “interpretation” of the traditional Unix scripting model COM WSH/VBScript style scripting.NET Manipulate any native.Net object Commands Monad cmdlets emitting objects
Supporting Your Script Types Demo
Supporting Your Data Types Demo
Roadmap ScenarioTodayTomorrow GUI Shell MMC MMC with snap-ins layered on Monad Command Shell CMDCMDSHCSHKSHMonad Command Scripting CMD scripting Monad COM Scripting WSH VBScript VBScript Jscript JscriptWSH VBScript VBScript Jscript Jscript Jscript (.NET) Monad
Summary Monad provides a single consistent tool to access and script all the data sources and data types you need to manage your system Ships as a download in 06 Beta available now at: Search for MONAD
Community Resources Newsgroup: Microsoft.Public.Windows.Server.Scripting Channel 9 tag: Team blog: Wiki: 2 Monad “Best of TechEd” Webcasts
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