Information on Agro/Bio terrorism Potential Occurrences and Emergency Management of Animal Diseases
Possible potential occurrences of diseases Foreign Animal Diseases Not present in the United States currently. Intentional risks Travelers Meat Products Garbage Bioterrorists
Agro/Bio terrorism Can Exploit Multiple Pathways Air dispersion Insects Public transportation Water supplies Mail distribution systems Food distribution systems
Types of potential occurrences Natural Accidental Intentional (Bioterrorist’s actions)
Potential Impacts of Agro/Bio terrorism spread Economic impacts Sociologic impacts Emotional impacts Political impacts
Types of diseases Zoonotic Diseases and Non-zoonotic Diseases
Zoonotic Diseases Diseases shared by animals & people
Different types of Zoonotic Diseases E. Coli Salmonella Anthrax Brucellosis Botulism Tularemia Yellow Fever Hanta Virus Avian Influenza Smallpox Plague Q Fever Glanders Melioidosis Psittacosis Typhus Nipah Virus Rabies
Example of a Zoonotic Disease Anthrax Reported in the United States Bacterial disease: domestic and wild livestock Could be spread by people – animals
What are Non-zoonotic Diseases? Some diseases that can be used by bioterrorists are not zoonotic. The Foot and Mouth Disease is an example of one. Even though humans cannot die from catching the disease, it could greatly hurt our economy if our cloven- hooved animals got the Foot and Mouth disease.
Emergency actions against the occurrence of Agro/Bio terrorism How should we protect ourselves against the spread of disease? Who would help us to learn the aspects of protection? What can we do to prevent the spread of the disease?
First line of Defense in Emergency Management of Agro/Bio terrorism Attack Education of first defenders is key -Contact Animal Owners -County extension agents -Private veterinarians -Communicating with the department of Homeland Security
Homeland Security: Vision & Mission Vision: Preserving our freedoms, protecting America... we secure our homeland. Mission: We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote the free-flow of commerce.
Keys to emergency management Biosecurity Early detection Example: unusual signs or activity Rapid reporting Rapid response Prompt quarantine Quick diagnosis Immediate actions between Regulatory agencies and animal industries
Key components to Biosecurity Mitigation Preparedness Response Recovery
How can we take precautions with Biosecurity Measures Wash hands Wash disinfect boots Wash disinfect trailer Wash disinfect tires Wash disinfect borrowed equipment Proper garbage disposal