Rob Harrison Director Network team away-day 5 October 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Rob Harrison Director Network team away-day 5 October 2007

 Who are we?  Why are we here?  What have we done?  Where are we going?

 1 year old!  One of 28 LLNs nationally  One of 4 in Yorkshire and Humber  HEFCE funded to July 2009 with £3.2m  A network of 2 universities and 10 colleges  A team of 33 people (at the last count!)  Focusing on 5 sectors: Early years, Engineering Health and Social Care, Public well-being Sustainable communities

 Transform progression pathways into HE for vocational and work-based learners  Develop and adapt the HE/FE curriculum  Enhance information, advice, guidance and transitional support  Embed change in systems, processes and procedures in HE and FE  Recruit some Additional Student Numbers  Assess the impact of our work

 Created the Higher Futures identity  Set up sector groups with partners and stakeholders  Agreed framework for progression agreements  Started to identify our 'community of learners' and develop tracking systems  Mapped existing progression routes in most sectors  Promoted ourselves within the network and the region

 Delivery plan 2007/08 has 4 themes network development improving progression opportunities improving IAG and transition support increasing employer and learner demand  Priorities include first wave of progression agreements between partners roll out guidance and referral models across partnership key curriculum-focused projects in all sectors capacity building within the network communication and consultation with stakeholders