Rob Harrison Director Network team away-day 5 October 2007
Who are we? Why are we here? What have we done? Where are we going?
1 year old! One of 28 LLNs nationally One of 4 in Yorkshire and Humber HEFCE funded to July 2009 with £3.2m A network of 2 universities and 10 colleges A team of 33 people (at the last count!) Focusing on 5 sectors: Early years, Engineering Health and Social Care, Public well-being Sustainable communities
Transform progression pathways into HE for vocational and work-based learners Develop and adapt the HE/FE curriculum Enhance information, advice, guidance and transitional support Embed change in systems, processes and procedures in HE and FE Recruit some Additional Student Numbers Assess the impact of our work
Created the Higher Futures identity Set up sector groups with partners and stakeholders Agreed framework for progression agreements Started to identify our 'community of learners' and develop tracking systems Mapped existing progression routes in most sectors Promoted ourselves within the network and the region
Delivery plan 2007/08 has 4 themes network development improving progression opportunities improving IAG and transition support increasing employer and learner demand Priorities include first wave of progression agreements between partners roll out guidance and referral models across partnership key curriculum-focused projects in all sectors capacity building within the network communication and consultation with stakeholders