WebCT CE-6 Assignment Tool
Assignment Tool and Assignment Drop Box Use “Assignment” button under Course Tools (your must be in “Build” mode) to: –Modify the assignment –Change release criteria Use the Assignment Drop Box button under Instructor Tools (You must be in ‘Teach’ mode) to : –View submitted assignments –See status of unsubmitted assignments –Evaluate/grade submissions. –Publish selected assignments to share with the class
Creating Assignments
Two Types of Assignments Text with or without attachments –Enter text in the Assignments tool Students can enter work directly into Assignment text box, eliminating the need for attaching files. –Short Assignments (‘reaction papers’) –Assignments in which you will not be providing editorial corrections (grammar, writing, etc.) –Attach files. Any file type can be attached (word processing, spreadsheet, PowerPoint, audio, video, graphics, etc.)
Two Types of Assignments Web Page –Students to submit a ZIP file containing linked HTML files that create a Web site. Specify an entry point for their Web site Use relative links to link all pages.
Creating an Assignment - Click on the “Assignments” button in the “Build” tab
Creating Assignments Click on “Create Assignment”
First Part of “Create Assignment Screen”
Item Visibility Note that you cannot change the this item to “show” until after you select students (later step). At that time, the visibility automatically changes to “Show Item” and you have to manually change it to ‘hide’ if you do not want it shown.
Second Part of “Create Assignment Screen” – “Typical” assignment entries
Third part of Assignment Screen
Note: If you are going to grade an assignment, it is strongly recommended that you use numeric, vs alphabetic, grades. Using numbers makes it much easier to use the Grade Book tool to calculate final grades.
Third part of Assignment Screen Click on “Save” when all entries are complete to create the assignment.
Assignment is Reflected in “Assignments” list
Creating a Group Assignment - Click on the “Assignments” button in the “Build” tab
Creating a Group Assignment Click on “Create Assignment”
Creating Group Assignments – First Part of Screen
Creating Group Project – Second Part of Screen Select “Group of Students and click on “Select Groups”
Creating A Group Project – Selecting Groups Note: The selected groups must be created prior to creating the assignment Select Groups and Click on “Save”
Creating A Group Project – Selecting Groups Selected groups show on the create assignments screen.
Creating Group Project – Fourth Part of Screen Complete the settings and click on “Save”
Creating Group Project – Third Part of Screen
Group Assignment in Assignment List Note that the group project is reflected as ‘hidden’ because there are no students in the group as yet (the group was set up as a custom group and students will be added after the course starts.
Group Tools – Discussion Category
Group Tools – Chat Rooms
Previewing and Testing Assignments Click the Student View tab which automatically logs you in to a test Student account. Click on the Assignment Complete the Assignment –The user name for the test Student account is Demo Student XXXXX, where XXXXX is a randomly generated number
Student View
“Sending” Assignments It is possible to create an assignment but not send it to Students immediately (assign students to receive assignment). –Under recipients, use “Decide Later” –Students will not see the assignment in the assignment list –When the assignment is ready, you can send it to Students then.
“Decide Later” – Status = “Unassigned”
To “Send Assignments” Click on dropdown menu arrow for the item and then on ‘Edit Properties’’
Update “Assignments Recipients” Field Change the ‘recipients’ setting as desired and scroll down and click on ‘save’ to update the assignment.
Managing Assignments
Sort Assignments Each of the column headers can function as a ‘sort criteria’. Click on the header and the assignments will be sorted in order by that criteria.
Assignments Sorted Alphabetically by Title
View Links to Assignments To see where in the course you have linked to this assignment – 1.Click on Drop-down menu arrow 2.Click on ‘view links to this assignment
Links to assignment …
Managing Submissions – “Teach Tab”
Notification of Assignments Submitted A link to Assignment Dropbox appears under Instructor Tools on the course menu. If there are new submissions, a New icon appears next to Assignment Dropbox.
“New Assignments” waiting to be graded
Assignment Drop Box Tabs – “Submitted” Submitted Tab Submissions that are ready to be reviewed (date and time submitted) Students who have missed the assignment due date
Assignment Drop Box Tabs – “Not Submitted” The Not Submitted tab contains submissions that have been assigned or returned to Students for editing (i.e., assignments that have been assigned but not graded, whether because they have not been submitted or because they have been reviewed but returned to students for additional work.
Grading Options You can grade submissions Mark them as complete (no grades/points are attached to the assignment). Provide feedback without assigning grade (Allows for draft feedback)
Grade an Assignment In the Submitted Tab, click on the dropdown arrow next to the assignment you want to grade and the click on ‘Review Submission”
Grading – Feedback Provided without a grade
Note Change in “Not Submitted” Tab The demo student blog entry is now moved to the “Not Submitted” column and reflected as awaiting attempt 2 (the revised version of her blog assignment).
Student View Note that when student clicks on the assignment tab, the Blog assignment is showing ‘in progress’ and awaiting the student’s resubmission (attempt 2).
Student View Note that instructor comments are shown in the “Add Comments” box
Student Resubmits
“Not Submitted” tab The “Mandatory Blog Entry 1” link is gone since the demo student has resubmitted her assignment for grading … we should find it under the “Submitted” tab now.
Submitted Tab Student Attempt 2 is showing as ready for grading.
Open Assignment for Grading
Project is now graded Assignment will be returned to student with a grade.
“Graded Tab” – all submissions that have been graded The student’s submitted and graded assignment has been moved to the “Graded” tab.
“Publish” assignments Share student assignments with the rest of the class
Publish - In the “Grade” tab, click on the dropdown menu item for the student whose assignment you want to publish.
Publish A pop-up window provides a reminder that only the most current version of the submission will be published and asks you to click on the “Publish” button.
Publish Tab The Published Assignment is now listed under the “Published” tab.
Student View Students can view published assignments by clicking on “Published” tab on their student assignment screen.
Removing Published Submissions - From graded (or “All” tab), click on the drop-down menu arrow for assignment you wish to remove from the ‘published’ list and click on “Publish Controls”
Remove from Published List Click on “Unpublish”
Viewing Students or Groups by Assignment Click on the “All” tab
View “All” Submissions Screen shows all submitted assignments. You can sort the results by selecting the column desired: Assignment title, “Assigned To” (student or group), status, due date or grade.
View “All” Submissions “All” sorted by “Assigned To” (group, student)
Navigating Multiple Pages For most CE-6 ‘pages’ the default for the number of entries that show per page is 10. –The effect is that you must click the ‘next page’ navigation arrow to see additional entries. –Advantage – reduces load time for pages if you are on a dial-up modem If you can’t find something that should be there, click on the ‘next page’ icon!
Navigating Multiple Pages You can change the default entries per page option. Pick a number – 100 is good for most things. (Although for ‘viewing all’ assignments you might still need to scroll through pages if you have a both a large number of assignments and/or a large number of students.)
Navigating Multiple Pages – Changing Default Settings Scroll to bottom of screen to see: 1.Total number of pages associated with the link 2.Drop down box to select specific page) 3.Navigation arrow to go to ‘next page’ 4.Icon that will allow you to change number of entries per page
Navigating Multiple Pages – Changing Settings Click on “Page” icon Current setting for items per page
Changing Page Setting Enter the number of entries per page that you would like to see per page
Settings Changed! Note: Since the new setting accommodates all current entries, the only tool showing at the bottom of the page now is the settings icon (i.e., no ‘page’ navigation icons because there are no other pages to view).
“People Links” The dropdown arrow to the right of the student’s submission is a ‘people’ link. Click on it and you can the student or check the student’s performance report … without ever having to leave the assignments page.
“Performance Report”
Practice Time!