1 Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles –Second level Third level –Fourth level »Fifth level Institutional Presentation June 2005
2 Overview
3 Unibanco’s profile Unibanco Total Client Base Wide Distribution Network 1,271 branches and corporate site branches 7,527 ATMs 255 Fininvest Stores 5 regional wholesale offices Offices and branches in Luxembourg, Cayman, Assunción Brokerages in São Paulo, New York and Luxembourg 18,6 million clients Established in 1924 Controlled by the Moreira Salles Group Brazil’s oldest private sector bank 3 rd largest private sector bank March/04 Country’s largest consumer finance operation Universal Banking model Retail Wholesale Insurance / Pensions Wealth Management Ratings Foreign Currency Moody’s B2 / NP Standard & Poor’s BB- / B Fitch Ratings B / BB-
4 1- Banco do Brasil13.8x 2- CEF8.2x 3- Bradesco2.9x 4- Itaú 2.3x 5- Banespa 2.3x 6- Bamerindus1.6x x 8- Econômico 0.9x 9- Nossa Caixa0.9x Snapshot of Unibanco Multiple of Assets Source: Unibanco Research 1- Banco do Brasil3.3x 2- Bradesco2.0x 3- CEF2.0x 4- Itaú1.7x x 6- Santander Banespa0.9x 7- ABN Real + Sudameris0.8x 8- Safra0.6x 9- HSBC + Lloyds0.5x Unibanco is Brazil’s third largest private bank, and it is bridging the gap over its peers.
5 Shareholder structure UNIT 63.8% UBH PN UBB PN Indireta UNIBANCO HOLDINGS Moreira Salles Group Caixa Brasil Moreira Salles Group - Float Units + GDSs Other Caixa Brasil Moreira Salles Group - Float Units + GDSs Other Shareholders Total (Direct and Indirect) TOTAL 59.4% 17.7% 7.5% 0.1% 31.9% 2.2% 4.8% 0.2% 31.9% 3.7% 100.0% March 2005 ONPN 96.6% 0.5% 0.03% - 2.9% 15.6% 10.0% 0.3% 69.5% 4.6% 100%
6 Retail Márcio Schettini Wholesale and Wealth Management Demosthenes Madureira Insurance and Pensions José Rudge Auditing Committee Gabriel Jorge Ferreira Chairman Eduardo A. Guimarães Guy Almeida Andrade Members Legal, Auditing, and Risk Lucas Melo Planning, Control, Operations, and IR Geraldo Travaglia Corporate Communication and HR Marcos Caetano Treasury Daniel Gleizer CEO Pedro Moreira Salles New Organizational Structure Board of Directors Pedro Sampaio Malan Chairman Pedro Moreira Salles Vice-Chairman Armínio Fraga Joaquim F. Castro Neto João D. Amoedo Board Members Gabriel J. FerreiraIsrael VainboinPedro Bodin
7 Timeline
8 Renewed Brand
9 Business Units
10 Total Assets: R$82.11 bln (US$30.8 bln) Credit Portfolio: R$33.18 bln (US$12.5 bln) Net Worth: R$8.36 bln (US$3.1 bln) Net Profit 1Q05: R$401 mln (US$151 mln) In terms of Assets, Unibanco is the 3rd largest privately held bank in Brazil, 5th in Latin America and it is recognized as a benchmark in the Brazilian wholesale banking segment Retail and Consumer Credit Offers banking services for individuals and small companies with annual revenues lower than R$150 million Has 18.6 million clients and 16,382 points of sale nationwide Offers consumer financing via Fininvest, Banco Dibens, PontoCred, LuizaCred, Hipercard among others Hipercard: over 2.8 million cards issued and over 70,000 affiliated stores Wholesale Coverage of 2,000 corporates with annual revenues greater than R$150 million and institutional investors in Brazil and internationally “One-stop-shop”. Universal bank providing a full range of financial services to corporate and institutional investors: treasury, derivatives, cash management, project finance, investments, financing, capital markets, M&A, brokerage and research Insurance & Annuity – Unibanco AIG Offers a full range of insurance products for individuals and corporate: life, auto, assets, disability, pension funds and annuities # 3 rank in Brazil with over 9% market share Leader in corporate risk insurance Pioneer and first mover in product development Wealth Management Offers investment products via Unibanco Asset Management for individuals and institutional investors and covers high net worth individuals in the private banking segment Total assets under management: R$34 billion (US$12.8 bln) As of March 31, 2005 Unibanco – Business Overview
11 Segmentation Strategy
12 Large Scale Distribution - Retail
13 Leading Consumer Finance Franchise Alliances Joint- Ventures Fully Owned
14 Branch Network Consumer Finance Credit Cards Autos Insurance & Pension UAM Private Focus on higher margin and fast growing businesses High Low Margin LowHigh Growth Wholesale SMEs 2005 Perspectives
15 1Q05 Results
16 Unibanco in 1Q05 Net Income R$401 million Operating Income R$711 million Annualized ROAE (%) +45.3% +51.0% Q042Q043Q044Q041Q05 1Q05 / 1Q04
% 13.8% 17.5% 17.1% 16.5% 16.1% 17.3% 17.8% 20.1% 1Q032Q033Q034Q031Q042Q043Q044Q041Q05 Stockholders’ Equity and ROAE R$ billion ROAE (%) Stockholders’ Equity
18 Performance Indicators R$ Million 1Q054Q041Q04 % Qtr % Year Net Income %45.3% Operating Income %51.0% Financial Margin After Provision for Loan Losses7.6%7.0%7.2% Total Assets82,10979,35071,5053.5%14.8% Stockholders’ Equity8,3638,1067,3583.2%13.7% Annualized ROAE21.0%20.1%16.1% Earnings per Share (R$) %45.0% BIS Ratio16.4%16.3%18.1% Efficiency Ratio53.7%59.5%
19 Income Statement R$ Million
20 Financial Margin Provision for Loan Losses / Financial Margin Financial Margin Financial Margin after Provision 7.2% 7.0% 7.6% 1Q044Q041Q %23.1%17.8% 9.2% R$ Million
21 Efficiency R$ Million 64.8% 1,186 1,143 1,365 1Q044Q041Q Fee Income Personnel and Administrative Expenses Fee Income/ Personnel and Administrative Expenses 64.6%62.3% 59.5% 53.7% Efficiency Ratio
22 R$ Million 61.3% 1,186 1,071 1,316 1Q044Q041Q Excluding Credicard and Orbitall 64.6%60.1% Personnel & Administrative Expenses Fee Income Personnel and Administrative Expenses Fee Income/ Personnel and Administrative Expenses
23 Personnel and Administrative Expenses R$ Million 1Q054Q041Q04 % Qtr % Year Commercial Bank %5.9% Subsidiaries %10.9% Acquired Companies %875.0% Subtotal1,186 1,316 1, %10.7% Credicard / Orbitall Total1,186 1,365 1, %3.8%
24 4Q041Q %-5.3%-9.9% Personnel Expenses Administrative Expenses Consolidated Subsidiaries Commercial Bank 4Q04 1Q054Q04 1Q05 R$ Million , , % -8.0% -11.7% -3.1% -15.7% -6.0% Personnel and Administrative Expenses Excluding Credicard and Orbitall
25 Jun-04 Mar % 27,408 Dec-04 28,229 Mar-04 26,982 Mar % -1.6% - 4.4% Employees Number of EmployeesNumber of Officers
26 R$ Million Individuals +30.8% Corporate +17.7% % Mar-05 / Mar-04 Loan Portfolio Growth 17,816 20,226 20,977 9,324 11,570 12,199 Mar-04 Dec-04Mar % 24.1% 5.4% 3.7% 17.2% 4.3% 22.2% 27,140 31,796 33,176
27 Allowance for Loan Losses / Loan Portfolio Mar-04Dec-04Mar-05 Loan Portfolio Quality Auto Financing 2.0%2.5%2.7% Consumer Companies9.3%6.8%6.5% Commercial Bank and other Companies 4.8%5.4%5.2% 5.1%5.2%5.1%
28 5.4% 4.7% Mar-04Mar-05Mar-04Mar-05 Dec % 91.5% 108.9% 107.8% Loan Portfolio Quality Loan Portfolio E-H (overdue >90 days) / Loan Portfolio Allowance for loan losses / Loan Portfolio E-H
29 Wholesale Retail Loan Portfolio Mix 51% 46% 45% 49% 54% 55% Mar-04Dec-04Mar-05 27,14031,79633,176 R$ Million
30 1,981 13,225 2,794 17,199 2,630 18,185 2,700 2,859 3,273 Commercial Bank & Others 2,982 3,682 3,900 Auto Financing 1,661 2,235 2,396 Consumer Finance Division Credit Cards 3,901 5,629 5,986 SMEsTotal Retail Mar-04Dec-04Mar % 5.9% 44.3% 7.2% 53.4% 6.3% 32.8% -5.9% 21.2% 14.5% 37.5% 5.7% Continuous growth in Retail R$ Million
31 Retail Portfolio Breakdown Total Retail R$18,185 Million Mar-05 Credit Cards 14% SMEs 34% Commercial Bank & Others 18% Auto Financing 21% Consumer Finance Division 13%
32 Total Retail R$18,185 Million Mar-05 Fininvest R$1,739 Million LuizaCred R$234 Million PontoCred R$423 Million Credit Portfolio * Retail Portfolio Breakdown * Individuals Credit Cards 14% SMEs 34% Commercial Bank & Others 18% Auto Financing 21% Consumer Finance Division 13%
33 Total Retail R$18,185 Million Mar-05 Unicard R$1,577 Million Hipercard R$1,053 Million Credit Portfolio * Retail Portfolio Breakdown * Individuals Credit Cards 14% SMEs 34% Commercial Bank & Others 18% Auto Financing 21% Consumer Finance Division 13%
UNIBANCO Bradesco Ourocard Itaú Credicard Millions of Cards December-02 January-03 February-03 March-03 April-03 May-03 June-03 July-03 August-03 September-03 October-03 November-03 December-03 January-04 February-04 March-04 April-04 May-04 June-04 July-04 August-04 September-04 October-04 November-04 December-04 January-05 February-05 March-05 Credit Cards – Cards Issued
35 Wholesale Loan Portfolio R$ Million 13,915 14,597 14, % 2.7% Mar-04Dec-04Mar-05 Large Corporate
36 Funding and Assets under Management R$ Million Mar-05Dec-04Mar-04 Demand deposits 3,4152, Saving deposits 5,8015, SuperPoupe 1, Core Deposits (A) 11,1788, Time deposits and interbank deposits (B) 23,79119, Total Deposits (A+B) 34,96927, Assets under management (C) 34,20629, Total Deposits + Funds (A+B+C) 69,17556,738 % Qtr % Year 3,220 5,966 1,625 10,811 22,720 33,531 32,979 66,
37 Technical Reserves Insurance and Private Pension Plans 4,326 5,535 5, % 3,379 4,434 4, ,101 1,217 1Q044Q041Q05 Private Pension Insurance R$ Million Net Premium Written + Pension Plan Revenues 1,1781, % Net Income % Combined Ratio98.6%98.8%-0.2 p.p. Extended Combined Ratio85.1%85.0%0.1 p.p. 1Q051Q04 % Year
38 Unibanco Shares
39 Quarterly Dividends The first quarterly payment of interest on capital stock took place on April, Next payments on: July/05, October/05, January/06. Units in the Ibovespa Unibanco Units (UBBR11) became part of the Ibovespa index portfolio in May 2005, with an initial weight of 0.984%. Unibanco shares
40 Liquidity Increase in Bovespa Unibanco shares
41 Unibanco shares R$ Million 1Q042Q043Q044Q041Q05 Daily volume traded (R$ Million) Bovespa (% of trades)8%7%13%18%32% NYSE (% of trades)92%93%87%82%68% Units weight in the indexes (%) IBrX Ibovespa P/BV (*) (*) GDS Market Capitalization (R$ Billion)
42 Perspectives
43 GDP Growth Fx Rate R$/US$ (end-of-year) SELIC (end-of-year) IPC-A %3.5% %18.25% 7.6%6.4% 2005(E) 2005 Perspectives
44 Loan Portfolio Corporate Large Small /Medium Individuals Commercial bank and other companies Consumer Finance Credit Cards Administrative Expenses 2005 Perspectives Estimates < 5% 17-22% 7-12% 25-30% 15-20% 10-15% 22-27%
45 Social Responsibility
46 Instituto Moreira Salles Established in 1990, Instituto Moreira Salles mission is to promote and develop cultural projects. Conceives and executes the majority of its initiatives. Recitals Courses and art workshops Popular Music Memory Photography Literature Exhibits Main areas of involvement IMS maintains 4 Cultural Centers in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Minas Gerais; Coordination of 54 art film theaters (Espaço Unibanco / Unibanco Arteplex). Together, these centers constitute the largest private complex dedicated to arts and culture in Brazil.
47 Target: Mainly teenagers and youngsters Formal Education Teacher’s Skill Development Professional Education Employability Instituto Unibanco
48 Established on October 2003; Points of sale (SP, RJ and RS): Fininvest stores; 2 points of sale in poor communities: Rocinha and Jardim Ângela; Microinvest: a partnership between International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Unibanco; Controlling Shareholders: 75% Banco Fininvest and 25% IFC; Offers loans to micro and small entrepreneurs, between R$ and R$ 10,000.00, helping them start and consolidate their businesses. Microcredit
49 Sustainable economic development Corporate loans other than Equator-regulated: procedures to evaluate and monitor environmental risks. Initiative led by the International Finance Corporation and a group of banks in 2002; Unibanco was the first emerging market bank to adopt the Equator Principles; Equator Principles are a set of social and environmental voluntary criteria used to evaluate and approve credit for infrastructure projects over US$50 million; Demonstration effect to stimulate other banks to join.
50 For further information contact our Investor Relations Area at phone: fax: site: This presentation contains forward-looking statements regarding Unibanco. its subsidiaries and affiliates - anticipated synergies. growth plans. projected results and future strategies. Although these forward-looking statements reflect management’s good faith beliefs. they involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes to be materially different from those anticipated and discussed herein. These risks and uncertainties include. but are not limited to. our ability to realize the amount of the projected synergies and the timetable projected. as well as economic. competitive. governmental and technological factors affecting Unibanco’s operations. markets. products and prices. and other factors detailed in Unibanco’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission which readers are urged to read carefully in assessing the forward-looking statements contained herein. Unibanco undertakes no duty to update any of the projections contained herein.